Chapter 5

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"Amelia, where are you?" called Esme, exasperated. She would be the first to admit that her daughter had a brilliant gift, but not knowing where said daughter was, was not such a happy feeling.

"She's coming up behind you," called Seth, pulling a t-shirt on as he trotted out of the forest, Leah in tow. Esme felt a hand encircle hers as Amelia slipped hers into her mother's. Carlisle, who was walking next to his wife, stretched his hand out and smiled softly when he felt his daughter slip hers into his own. They continued their walk across the expansive lawn and entered the house.

"I think we need one of the wolves to stick with Amelia until we figure out how to get her back into a visible form," suggested Eleazar, "at least we will know where she is."

"My little squirt went from being the noisiest in the house to the most silent! You, my good lady, are going to be an excellent pranking buddy," exclaimed Emmett, holding out his arms for Amelia to hug him. He pouted when she didn't come forward, and looked rather silly with his arms extended. Seth and Quil started laughing at him. Amelia was nonchalantly sitting on the couch behind him, shaking her head in amusement.

"Are you so sure about Amelia being the loudest? Because I am quite sure that you and Rosalie rival everyone," quipped Bella. Emmett blinked.

"I would not do that, Amelia," whispered Alice, who had entered the house with Edward in tow. Edward laughed.

"Let her. I'd love to see his reaction," he countered.

Maybe later, when we know how to get her into and out of her invisible state and Esme is less stressed. Poor Amelia will be in for it later, thought Alice to Edward.

Yo Eddie Boy, can ya hear me? Thought Amelia, deciding to go all gangster on her brother simply to annoy him.

"Yes Amelia, I can hear you. Which means that I know you are on the couch," he stated. The fabric rustled as Amelia made a hasty escape from the couch just as Emmett turned around to launch a tickle attack on her. The look on Emmett's face was priceless when he figured out that Amelia was not on the couch anymore. He eventually gave up and stomped out of the lounge, sulking as he did.

"Where are you, Amelia?" asked Esme again.

"She's sitting on the barstool at the kitchen counter," replied Seth, grinning at what appeared to be nothing. He then high fived the air.

"Seth, Amelia, could you please come to the study with us?" asked Carlisle, walking into the kitchen. He was anxious to get Amelia back to a visible state. Seth followed him, and Amelia bounded past them, eager to get to the study before the others. Fortunately for her, Carlisle, Eleazar and Seth were walking at a human pace. When he entered the study, Carlisle shook his head in mock disdain. His daughter had taken up residence on his office chair and was spinning round and round on it. It looked rather bizarre to see a seemingly empty chair spinning around in circles.

"Amelia, what happened that made you become invisible?" asked Eleazar. There was clearly a reason for her invisibility, but they did not yet know what it was.

"Nothing she can think of," spoke Seth.

"Why did you run to the waterfall?" asked Carlisle.

"I just ran until I found it. I just needed time to think. I recognised it though, I saw it in a dream," said Amelia. Seth translated for her.

"What dream was that?"

"When I got out of hospital after that blood vessel rupture. All of you were standing by the cliff, the pack included. You looked so sad. Then you and Mom opened up some sort of pot and tossed dirt over the cliff. Then a rainbow came out and it looked so peaceful," she continued.

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