Chapter 4

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Esme grimaced as she heard Amelia's cry of despair. Beside her, Carlisle stiffened. Amelia's cry was too quiet for the Westsmythes to hear, and they continued to chat to the Cullens as though nothing was amiss.

"Esme, Carlisle, please keep the Westsmythes occupied. Amelia is going to jump out the window and run into the forest in about ten seconds," Alice spoke from the library. They heard Amelia's frantic pacing, before she walked over to the window and opened it up. The Westsmythes were admiring the view of the garden from the lounge, and if Amelia jumped out of the window, she could be seen running towards the forest. The sun had long gone, so the curtains had been opened up. The family downstairs wondered how to draw their attention away from the windows. In the end, an unlikely solution presented itself.

Jemima sauntered into the room and sat in front of Daniella, tongue lolling out the side of her mouth. She yapped softly, before edging forward and looking at the visitors expectantly. That dog really knew how to turn on the charm and she was oozing it from every pore of her being. Esme understood in that moment exactly why the Theodores had gotten Jemima for their two year old daughter.

"Oh hello you cutie pie," gushed Caroline, picking up the Scottie, who licked her face affectionately, "Rich, take a look at Jemima."

The Westsmythes' attention was on the dog as they walked back to the sofa, just as the vampires heard a soft thud as Amelia landed on the grass outside her window and took off, streaking into the forest.

"We're going to go for a quick walk," spoke Rosalie, gesturing to her and Emmett as they descended the stairs dressed in appropriate attire for a walk through the forest.

"Be careful, and please be back before dark," said Carlisle. They left, whispering promises of keeping an eye on Amelia while she cooled off. It would be irresponsible to leave Amelia unaccompanied while she was so young and volatile. Humans may smell unpleasant to her, but they had no way of knowing how long that would last for.

Blythe could be heard dropping from the library window and shimmying down a tree. A ripping sound was heard as she completed the ungraceful task of sliding the equivalent of two storeys down the old oak tree that overlooked the library. A disgruntled squirrel squealed angrily at Blythe as she brought a dozen acorns down with her.

"Blythe you have absolutely no regard for fashion!" shrieked Alice, appalled at the massive tear down the front of Blythe's shirt as she stuck her head of her bedroom window and threw a new one to Blythe.

"And just how was I supposed to get out of the house, oh psychic one? Via the front door, past people who think I am in Germany?" she hissed, irked. She glared at the squirrel, "shut up, you stupid rodent! There are plenty of acorns in the tree. Stop acting like I destroyed your food supply!"

"An hours-old vampire discovered that she could jump out of the window. You are nearly 200 years old, with several degrees, most of which are medical in nature, and you decide that instead of jumping out of the window, you'll get up close and personal with the tree trunk of an oak tree?"

"Hush, Mary Alice. This fine specimen of a tree is older than you. Do not insult its abilities," she retorted, throwing the ripped blouse back up to Alice and smoothing the new one in place. She turned her heel and ran into the forest before Alice could reply.


Amelia continued to run until she was deep in the forest. She paused, and took in her surroundings - a herd of deer to the south, their hearts beating in a staccato rhythm; birds chirping to one another. She heard flowing water somewhere northwest, and took a deep breath. Several scents assaulted her, but her throat did not burn with thirst when she smelled the herbivores and the lone carnivore a few miles out. She took another deep breath, trying to clear her mind, and took off towards the body of water. She presently found herself at a waterfall, and an overwhelming sense of déjà vu overtook her. She had been here before.

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