Author's Note

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Hi all. I do apologise for not having uploaded anything for a while. I am meant to start finals next Monday, but my last two clinical weeks were disrupted by student protests that have broken out across the country. Patients were banned from entering the building by the protestors, who want free tertiary education, something which was promised by our ruling government party, and not universities. The situation has started to get out of hand, with university buildings being vandalized or even set on fire, and those of us who want to return to classes aren't allowed to because the protestors don't allow us to. It's called Fees Must Fall, if anyone is interested in reading up about it.

Things are very uncertain right now. I don't even know if we will write next week, but we are going to run out of time because we still need to finish off our patients on top of writing exams. There is a great chance that thousands of students will not be allowed to graduate this year. It's very scary and very stressful and rather upsetting to know that you have spent the last six years studying your arse off only to be told that you might not be able to graduate in December.

Please bear with me. I will update when I can, but it will be a while still. I am going to put this story temporarily on hold for the next couple of weeks.

I wish you all well for the remainder of your academic year. See you guys soon.

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