Elena imagine

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//How you and Elena meet//

My family and I had just moved to the small town of Mystic Falls a week ago. Today is my first day of school and I'm extremely nervous. I shake off my nerves, slip my backpack over my shoulder and walk to school.

As soon as I get there all eyes stare me down. I fix my hair to make sure I look okay and continue walking till I come to a small office. I gather all my important papers like my schedule and other things and begin walking to my first class. As I walk I hear a gasp come from a dark hallway. My curiosity gets the best of me and I walk into the black hall. I then bump into something or someone. The person grabs my neck and holds me up against the wall. Of course no one can help me, they can't see me in this dark hallway. The person phones goes off and the light from it shines over an unconscious body on the floor. Before I can scream the now visible girl covers my mouth. She has long dark brown hair and has the strength of a grizzly bear. The girl looks deep into my eyes.

"You will forget all of this. You will slowly walk out of this hallway and then to your class." She demands. She lets go of my neck and walks away. I slowly walk out of the hallway and to my class wondering who she was. I can't believe she'd think I'd forget all of that.

Later, at the end of the day I spot the girl again. This time she's talking or rather flirting with a guy who looks like he could be in collage. Maybe he is. He runs his fingers through his dark black hair and gives the girl a grin. My neck throbs from her pinning me against the wall and I rage. I stomp up to the girl and push her against a locker. The guy who she was formerly talking to backs away.

"What is your problem?" The girl asks angrily as she pushes me off of her.

"What's my problem? What is your problem? Who holds someone up by their neck and practically threatens to kill them? And then they tell them to just forget about it and walk to class!!" I rant. The girl face palms herself. She leans over and whispers something to the college looking dude. I just stand there flustered and red faced with anger.

"Let's take a walk." She suggests. Shocked by her answer, I follow her anyway. As soon as we leave the school she starts talking again. "Okay. You met my 'twin' Katherine." She made quote symbols with the word twin. Huh? "Do you, happen to believe in things like vampires or werewolves?" I laugh as she finishes. Oh. She's serious.

"I don't know. I mean there's a part in me that says, sure there's a chance they're real, but also a part that says no way!" I respond. The guy she was with chuckles. "Why?" She stops walking and sits me down on a nearby bench.

"They're real. And if you want me to explain what happened today you're just going to have to believe me okay?" I nod my head. "That girl who hurt you in the hallway was Katherine Pierce who is a vampire. This is my boyfriend Damon he's also a vampire and I'm Elena I'm one too. Also that bracelet you're wearing is what stopped you from forgetting Katherine today. All cleared up now?" She finishes. I just nod my head slowly. "Anyway who are you?"

"I'm y/n. I just moved here and don't worry I know all about Vampires and such, my cousin Alaric is a vampire hunter. I just don't like to admit that I believe in that stuff haha. " I respond. Damon breaks out laughing.

"That's amazing! What a small world." He shouts. Elena laughs at him.

"Okay, well now that we have things cleared up you wanna hangout? We could go to the Mystic Grill they have really good food there." Elena suggests.

"Yeah sure." I smile to myself as I walk to the Mystic Grill with my new two friends.


I'm so sorry for not updating often!! I start school in a week and I have volleyball practice everyday so that's why I've been gone. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this imagine and if anyone has a request just message me!

Vampire Diaries/The Originals imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora