You would you kidnap my Sister

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what the fuck?? a nigga got my sister my fuckin sister really like this hoes trippin im goin after this hoes to i know they were girls i check our cameras and i saw this hoe Kiara and her lil followers kidnapping my sister oh no im finna find her. outfit: then she called Saraya

"hello" she said

"oh my fucking god girl this hoes kidnapped my sister im finna kill a hoe!!!" i said

"what the fuck happpend" she said

"you know that girl i was telling you about jacob cheated on me with Kiara" i said

"yea that hoe just dont learn but guess what bout my sister she finna get the ass whoppin of her life" i said

"girl cause bout my baby dont do that one" she said

"oh bitch they got the right one!!!!" i said 

"bye ill be there to get you" she said 

"alright" i said and hung up and called Jerica


"omg jerica this hoe Kiara and her followers got yana" i said

"why??" she said

"girl they kidnapped my my fuckin sister" i started crying

"my nigga dont cry we got them hoes they got they right ones" she siad 

"right yall right walk to my house Saraya coming to get us" i said

"alright"she said and hung up

Jerica outfit:

Saraya outfit:

"saraya and jerica yall would come lookin cute so guess what im goin to change im not going to be the odd ball" i said walking up stairs outfit:

 "girl you look cute" saraya said

"thank you" yn said

"alright lets go" jerica said

then yana started texting jacob 


LatimoresQueen- Hey um bae you know your lil hoe kiara kidnapped my sister

YlnsKing- you mean she kidnapped yana

LatimoresQueen- Yes that bitch got meh baby sis damnit

YlnsKing- Babe calm down. Dont be all over the place and end up gettin locked up.

LatimoresQueen- Nigga I wish someone would lock me up! Are you comin with us to get my baby sis or not Jacob??

YlnsKing- Yeah I guess and who is "us"?

LatimoresQueen- Me, Jerica and Saraya.

YlnsKing- Oh well im in just dont REALLY hurt nobody ok Im comin over.

LatimoresQueen- Dont count on it and im gettin Jerica and Saraya.

YlnsKing- Ard see you there. Bye Love :)

LatimoresQueen- Love you too babe :*


I drove and picked up Saraya and Jerica and went back to my place. When we pulled in I seen Jacobs car. I walked in to see Jacob sitting on the couch.

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