Hide and seek

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Jaimie's pov

Thank god it was Saturday even though mom was on a businesses trip. Im gonna text Brandon.
Brandon:❄ Jaimie:💜

💜:hey wat r u doing
❄:nothing just being bored wanna come over.
💜:Sure I'll be ther in 5
❄:k by

I put on a black shirt whith mini mouse on it and whit pants with black convers. I walked across the street happy to see Brandon. I knocked on the door and Mrs.rowlands opened it. Hi im Jaimie I said. Oh yes Brandon's up stairs. I walked up stairs and someone jumped on my back I knew it was Brandon he was really light but I pretended that he was heavy and said Brandon your gonna break my back. Liar he said sarcastically. Whatever I said. So what do u want to do I asked. Lets go to the park he said. I wanna come Hunter said walking into the hallway. We wouldn't want the princess getting hurt would we. No we would not I said while blushing. Oh is the princess blushing Hunter said.

Brandon's pov

Jaimie and hunter were flirting in the hallway in front of me like I wasn't even there. Besides hunter knows I like Jaimie. Hey guys r we going to the park or r u two just gonna flirt all day.


Hunter and I were talking until Brandon said are we going to the park or r u two just gonna flirt all day. I blushed and we walked outside.

Hunters Pov
Jaimie's hot she's not like most girls but I'm pretty sure B likes her. Whatever. Without knowing that I was staring at her beauty I triped over a fucking rock I caught myself before I hit the ground. R u ok J and Brandon ask me. Yeah I just need to watch myself. Dam right he said.

Brandon's pov
I saw Hunter staring at J I hated it I was pissed then he fell and I felt better but he caught himself. Are you ok we asked yeah I just need to watch myself he said. Dam right I said in a stern voice. I felt someone jump on my back it was Jaimie. To the park she yelled playfully like a dork but in a cute way. Lego I yelled back and started running with her on my back leaving Hunta behind. Hey he whinned. He whines like a two year old I told J. Its cute she said.

Jaimie's pov
Its cute I say. Hey I have an idea lets hide from Hunter I say. Ok he said. B and I run while yelling come and find us we hid under the playground witch wasn't like at anyother play playground it was very dark under there I could barely see brandon. Brandon I ask. Yeah beautiful what do u need he asked? Can I hold your hand I'm scared? Ok he replied. His hands wre warm soft and made me feel safe. I fell and caused him to fall onto me. We didn't move because Hunter was just a few feet away. I looked to the left and Brandon turned my face to see his he leaned in closer and kissed me I loved the feeling of his lips against mine it was warm passionate and it felt like it lasted hours when it was just a few seconds. But thats not the only thing it felt like a bomb just went off. He licked the bottem of my lip for permission to enter witch I granted. He explored every inch of my mouth.
Brandon's pov
I was on top of her and I knew I had to kiss her I was just so nervous. She looked away but my hand turned her face to look at mine and I kissed her she was warm passionate and sweet. I explored every inch of her mouth and pulled away.

Jaimie's pov
We sat up and he said sorry. For what. For kissing you I'm sorry he said for like billionth time. Its ok besides I never said I didn't like it. Oh so you like it he said flirting. I never said that either. Boo Hunter yelled. I jumped up and screamed. Hahaha I'm sorry I just had to. No u didn't I said. I want a piggy back ride I said like a two year old. Hop on Hunter said. Thanks piggy I joked. Your welcome cow. I huffed in dis agreement. I was on Hunters back the whole way to there house. We arrive at there house. So we walk in and go to hunters room and Brandon went to his friends house. The cutest little boy walks in and said play with me to Hunter. You to he said while pointing at me ok I say. Im in to Hunter siad. Ok so whats your name I asked the little boy Daddy he said. oh is that right I said sarcastically. No its Ashton im not like hunter. I look at Hunter and he looked at Ashton and said I thought we were friends. Don't blame him daddy I say while laughing. So what do you want to play I asked. Ashton quickly response and said hide and seek. Ok I agree. I'll count Ash says while walking downstairs to the garage. Hunter and I go to his closet. There wasn't enough room for both of us so I sit on his lap. He slides the closed and It was extremely drak all I could see was Hunter he quickly smashed his lips into mine and I kissed back and he slid his hund hunder my shirt and started kissing my neak softly and went back to my lips I was running my hands through his hair. The door slid open and we jumped it was Ashton I win he said. We went down stairs and hunter went to the kitchen and come back and said Brandon's gonna spend the night at his friends house. Hey wanna sleep over he asked. My mom and Ash are going to fly to Kentucky for a week. Sure I say since my moms on a businesses trip so why not. We go upstairs and watch netflix. I hug him and we lay down and I fall asleep on him.

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