Chapter 1

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Amber's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring. "Really?" I groaned turning it off and got up. I quickly grabbed a pear of dark jeans, a black tank top with a red flannel, and went to take a shower. After 15 minutes I got out and changed.

Hearing my phone ring, I Picked It up and answered the call. "Hey!" I heard my best friend, Octavia's, chipper voice say.
"Hey. I'm almost finished getting ready, when will you be here?" I said as I brushed my long brown hair and put on some mascara.

"In 5 minutes. I'm already on my way." She said. We exchange goodbyes and hung up.

Octavia is the best friend anyone could ask for. Since I have no real siblings, she's practically my sister. My parents are never really home, they're always on some business trip, so she keeps me company in this big empty house.

I heard her honking so I ran out the door and jumped in her car and then we were off to the hellhole called school.


When we arrived, Octavia parked and we
walked up to the school doors. Everyone was gossiping about something and I couldn't figure out what it was.

"Why is everyone acting like that?" Octavia asked puzzled.
"Beats me." I laughed as we continued to walk to our lockers. As soon as I thought things were getting Normal again, he walked in.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked. Now I knew what they were gossiping about. A new guy. He's also hot might I add. With his dark brown hair and tanned body.

It was like I was hypnotized and i only looked away because he walked into the guidance office. The bell rang and we went to our first period.

I sat in the back with my other best friend, Valentino. As soon as he saw me, he started going on and on about how hot the new guy was. Did I forget to mention that he's gay?

"Come on Val, chill out" I chuckled as I got my books out and began working. "Didn't you see him? And those muscles, I mean come on!" He whispered trying not to shout.

I zoned out for the rest of my periods and next thing I know, it's lunch. I walked in to see that new guy had made a lot of friends already, and not to my surprise, right in front was miss know-it-all Olivia Bell, flirting up a storm.

Olivia's family and my family have always been good friends. Can't say the same for us. She thinks she's the best at everything and can get what she wants. News flash, you're not 5.

I got my food and looked to see my friends sitting at our table. It seems like no one can stop talking about the new guy because when I sat down, it's all I heard.

"His name is Matthew Ryder."
"He's so dreamy."
"Just look at him."
They went back and forth. Why does that name sound so familiar?

"Can we talk about something different?" I finally said getting annoyed. What's so special about him anyway? They immediately stopped and looked at me.
"What? It was getting annoying." I said truthfully.

"Fine. Who wants to come to my party tonight?" Val asked excitedly.
"Since when do you throw parties?" Both Octavia and I asked in unison.

"The team suggested it at my house since I have the biggest out of all of them. We're inviting everyone. Maybe Matthew will even be there." He said wriggling his eyebrows.

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