Chapter 3

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Amber's POV

"You think you're funny?" Matt said as I tried to get away. It was no use due to him blocking me in with his arms.
"Very." I stopped and said proudly. I wasn't paying attention to how close we were, just to what he was saying.

That was until he leaned in close to my ear "you just messed up big time princess." I could feel his breath on my ear even after he moved away smirking.

We both walked back to the detention room and the teacher was knocked out.
"How did he not hear us?" I questioned Matthew.
"His wife just had a kid. Must be tiring." He said sitting back down. By now all the glue had dried up as he put his feet up on the table.

Another 20 minutes went by, us just being on our phones quietly. Thats when I got a text from a random number.

Random: hey :)
Amber: who is this?
R: take a wild guess princess
It took me a minute to realize it was Matt but when I looked back at him, he just winked.
A: real funny Matthew. How'd you get my number?
M: I have my ways ;)

"This is so stupid" I said out loud, directing it towards him. "I'm leaving" I said as I gathered my stuff and began walking out the door. He soon followed after humming some sort of tune.

He followed me all the way to my car. "What are you a lost puppy?" I said turning around to face him.
"I never got your name" He said with a small smile.
"Jones. Amber Jones." I said mimicking James Bond while making a fake gun with my hands.

"Ryder. Matthew Ryder." He said doing the same. "But I guess you already knew that."
Shaking my head showing that I agreed, I said bye and got into my mustang.

"Nice car by the way!" He yelled at me as I began pulling out. I honked and waved out the window. Looking in the mirror I saw him smiling while waving back.
His smile would stay on my mind all night.


I thought I would enjoy the weekend more. I was wrong. I woke up in no rush whatsoever and after grabbing clothes, I took a long hot shower.
I stepped out of the bathroom and heard a large crash followed by swearing.

Panicking I grabbed the baseball bat my dad got me, hoping I would play someday, and creeped downstairs. That's when I smelled bacon and eggs.

Wait a minute. Why would a murderer be cooking breakfast? I dropped the bat and ran down into the kitchen to see my mom cleaning up the bowls that had dropped.

"Mom! When did you get back?" I asked immediately hugging her.
"Just last night. I didn't want to wake you. Dads still in Georgia." She replied pulling away to hand me my plate. "I thought you'd like some breakfast and then we could go shopping if you'd like."

I nodded with my mouth full of eggs. "Of course. Just let me finish getting ready." I said excitedly and began running up the stairs. I haven't seen my mom in about a month. Her and Dad were away in Georgia for work. Apparently it's some top secret stuff.

I quickly brushed my hair and grabbed my phone. When I came back down the dishes were already in the sink and the counters were clean.

"Ready to go?" My mom said happily and then we were off to the mall.

A 10 minute car drive later and we were hopping out of the car and into the huge building. "So, anything new?" Mom curiously asked. Seeing how she's missed a month of my life, I filled her in on everything like how my grades are, the detention, and even Matthew Ryder.

"That name. I've heard it before." She said looking in thought. Just as we finished talking and walked into American eagle, we saw him. Standing behind the register was the devil himself.

"That's him! I didn't know he worked here." I told her, walking up to him.
"I guess your day just got a little better." I said, announcing my arrival. "Nice mustache by the way." I continued, trying not to laugh.

"Oh ha ha. Very funny Jones." He said looking up. I looked back at my mom and she just stood there in awe. Pulling her aside I questioned her.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.
"T-that's Matthew Ryder? No wonder it sounded so familiar. I finally see it now." I didn't understand where she was going with this.
"Nothing about him rings a bell to you?" She looked puzzled.
"Not exactly?" I should be the only confused one here.

She took back and forth from me to Matthew, who had gotten back to work. "Honey, that was your best friend. You guys were inseparable." She pause for a second.

"That was until I got into an accident with you two in the back." The big reveal. Why don't I remember? Why was I never told this?

I guess we weren't far away or quiet enough because when I looked back at Matthew, he was staring at me frozen. Was he listening the whole time?

"How much did you hear?" I walked over to him. "Enough of it. That's why you're so familiar." He looked at my mom. "Why don't I remember anything?"

"I'm so sorry." She trailed off. "You guys were so much younger. You hit your heads pretty hard and were both in a coma for days. I guess it messed up your brains a little."

"Why didn't we hang out after? This all doesn't make sense." I Continued.
"After Matthew woke up, his dad made them move away, leaving his mom. I didn't know they'd come back 8 years later... He still looks the same." She said the last part more to herself, but I still heard it.

"Why wasn't I told earlier!" I raised my voice but no one answered.

We three just stood there. No one talking, just silence. I once again looked up at Matt, and then to my mom, and then I just walked out. I didn't know what else to do.

I heard Matt call my name followed by my mom running after me. I didn't stop until I got to the car.
The ride home was silent except for the buzzed on my phone. There was nothing I had to say. I wasn't mad, I was just confused.

We got home and I went straight to my room. It was only 3 o'clock and I had nothing to do.
I finally checked my phone to see 5 missed texts and 1 call from Mr. perfect.
M: Jones
     You ok?
     Please answer me
     Call me back

And I did just that. "What do you want?"
"Oh good you actually called back." He said relieved. "Meet me at they gym by the school in 5 minutes." That's all I heard before he hung up. Out of all places he could've picked, he chose the gym?

I changed into workout clothes and grabbed my boxing gloves. Might as well get in shape right?
"I'm going to the gym" I yelled at with that, I was gone.

What'd you think about the big reveal. I know it's a bit soon but it goes in with the story.

Also, this is the last chapter I'm publishing until Monday. Let me know if you'd rather me make 2 chapters a week or only 1.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends!
- L

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