1- Kristina

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-author's note- 

sooooo hello guys! this is the first story i have ever written. so please, dont judge and no hate please. if you like it please, do vote and comment.



Kristina's POV:

"ITS TIME TO GET UUUP!!!" Chad screamed at the top of his voice.

He was jumping on my bed and i cant help but wake up. 

"Ok, ok i'm up! Gosh, is something on fire?" 

I usually get angry when someone wakes me up in a rough way, but since it was chad who woke me up, i cant stand being angry to him. He's been my bestfriend since i was 4. we used to live in Columbus, Ohio. his parents and mine were bestfriends since highschool. his parents were lawyers while my mom is a businesswoman. my Dad died when i was still 14, he was coming home from a business trip but while he was driving he got into a car crash and unluckily he didn't make it. We mourned for weeks and when i was 17, my mom and i decided that i'll enroll to a university. i got enrolled to University of South California with Chad. I took up therapy while Chad took up engineering. Our parents bought the two of us our lovely apartment so that we'll have a place to stay when it's summer.

"Oh cmon' krissy, it's already 11! You missed breakfast already!" He said.

"WHAT?!" I snapped and sat up. i never miss any meal of the day ESPECIALLY breakfast.

"Crap chad! Why didnt you wake me up?!" I looked at him with my eyes half open. He just giggled I groaned at him.

"Silly! I know how you are in mornings! I cant stand seeing you like you had a hangover." He giggled and peck my cheek.  

I managed a slight smile, he's always concern about me. "Cmon krissy, i made toast" he said while standing up from my bed. I threw my head back and groaned. I rolled at the right side of the bed with my face facing the pillow. When suddenly Chad slapped my butt. I couldnt believe what he just did, it became a bit painful i turned my face to face the ceiling. I sat up and i saw a smirking chad leaning against my room door. I glared daggers at him as he was still smirking. Now i'm really pissed.

"Oh no you didn't" i narrowed my eyes making him see that i was ready for yet, another challlenge.

"Oh yes i did" he showed a smirk with a wink that reads 'come and try me' oh yes, i was really gonna get him this time.

"You asked for it mister" I gave him a challenging look as i jumped out of bed and sprinted towards him, with the blink of an eye he dodge me. Not to mention he's a football player. I chased him around the apartment. I almost grabbed him but somehow he managed to slip away. I cursed everytime he escapes my grip. Now we are across each other at the coffee table. Without thinking twice, i jumped across the table, which then i realized it was a bad idea. And again, he dodged me and i ended up falling face first on the carpet.

He looked at me with teary eyes then he laughed hysterically. Now i'm very pissed. I stood up and sat down on the couch. I covered my face with my palm and started making up sobbing noise. I made it louder. Loud enough for him to notice. After a few moments he managed to stop laughing. I can now feel him walking towards me. I can feel him sitting down next to me, patting my back.

"Hey, hey i'm sorry. I.. i should've caught you. I'm really sorry babe, shh dont cry. Shhhh" his voice was full of pity. I cant believe this. He's really buying it. HA! Mission accomplished. I slowly took my hands off my face pretending to wipe off the tears. I faced him and...

"HA! In your face twat!" His expression was priceless. He really did bought it! I did a little victory dance around the room. My dance was interrupted when Chad jumped on me, Which made us two crashing to the ground. I groaned with pain as my left arm hit the ground hard. He was on top of me and he was really heavy. I tapped the ground telling him that I completely surrender. He rolled off of me and laid flatly on the ground beside me.

He smile foolishly and started laughing. I managed a small laugh but still my left arm was burning with pain. He got up and i raised my right arm signaling him to help me up. As he pulled me up, I gave him a pained look. His face turned from a smile to a frown. He noticed that i was really in pain.

"Krissy, you okay?" His voice was filled with concern. I gave him an assuring smile. Telling him that the pain is bearable. He just nodded and let go of my arm.

"I gotta go take a shower. Emily's going to pick me up cos' we're going shopping." I told him.

"You know what, that's a great idea! Can you please get me a jar of nutella? The nutella is running out. Will you?" He's really into nutella. It's his favorite food ever.

"Yeah, sure, ofcourse." He hugged me and peck my cheeks. I gave him a warm smile and walked towards the shower grabbing my towel.

After minutes of taking a shower i put on my dark blue skinny jeans and my sleeveless ombre denim top. I put on my white converse sneakers. I grabbed my sling bag and headed for the door. I was about to grab the doorknob when Chad called me from behind "Krissy! aren't you gonna eat toast?" he asked. "No thanks Chaddie! gotta go buh-Bye!" i screamed back.

As i opened the door, right on time Emily arrived with her black porsche. I walked towards her car and she honked her horn. She opened the driver's window and she winked at me "hey babe, you ready?" She sounded quite sassy. I just smiled cockily at her and hopped in. As i got in, she hit the pedal then we drove off to the mall.

-author's note-

So I made this chap short because I was a bit nervous about writing this story. no hate please, I'm a rookie on this. I'm sorry if there are ungrammatical sentences. forgive me if I'm gonna update late but please do vote and comment.




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