3- Cheater

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Kristina's POV:

I look at myself frustrated for what that guy did to my top. This my favorite top! The white part of my top is now brown and i kept wiping it with his hankerchief to make it less worse.  I'm so mad at that jackass that i could set his hair on fire! but ofcourse i can't do that or I'll end up in jail or something, but if that was legal, I'd do it for sure. i was a bit suprised when i realized he was british. well that's something you dont see everyday. He looked quite attractive though but i put that aside and focus on how he ruined my top and how angry i am at the moment.

i was a little relieved when the stain turned light brown and when i saw Emily approach me with confusion written all over her face. She looked at my top and showed me a what-the-fuck look.

"My Gods, What the fuck happened to you?" she spat. i rolled my eyes at her and continued wiping my top. I groaned for the stain can no longer be removed. i dumped the handkerchief in my bag and looked at her.

"some random clumsy idiot ran into me, and spilled his drink all over my top!" i said almost screaming. i was so angry that i could break a tree by kicking its trunk and send it crashing down but that would be too much right now. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"come on, let's go to the department store and lets buy you a new top. shall we?" she suggested. i sighed and nodded my head before following her.

on the way to the department store, i couldn't help but notice people looking at me -or at my top- weirdly. especially that one girl who looked at me head-to-toe and the way she looked at me as if I were a freak. I just rolled my eyes at her and continued walking. i blame all this to that jackass who spilled his damn drink on me. I was really, really embarrased because while i was looking for a top, the saleslady looked at me in confusion.

"if you don't mind me asking miss but what happened to your top?" she asked with curiosity written on her face.

"some douchebag spilled his drink on me. no big deal really" i gave her a no-shit-sherlock look and she nodded.

i found a neon pink crop top and bought it. I headed for the fitting room, hang my bag in the hanger and put it on. i stood there in the fitting room looking at my own reflection in the mirror deciding wether the top fits right. I smiled, convinced about how i look. i grabbed my bag and went outside. I saw Emily looking at some sunday dresses. i bet she's going to buy one. I went over to her and saw that she pulled out a knee length floral sunday dress. I pictured her wearing that and i think she looks stunning in that dress. Once she notice me getting closer she looked over to me and smile as i gave her a thumbs up for the dress. without thinking twice she went to the counter right away so she can pay for it. i waited for her outside the department store when i saw a familiar face in a distance. I was a bit suprised when i recognized that familiar face. It was James and she's with some brunette girl. who could that girl be. She's an inch shorter than James and she's pale. She was wearing a polkadotted dress and her hair is on a bun. James arm surrounded her shoulders and she's ... BLUSHING! What. The. Fuck.

Who is that girl?! and what the fuck is he doing with my Boyfriend?! I stood there clenching my fist. Hatred flowing through my veins. I can't believe what that bastard is doing right now and- WHAT THE?! HE'S KISSING HER?! I tensed and gasped at the view. my heart drop and I felt it break into millios of pieces. my walls came crashing down. I feel a twist in my stomach and i think i just got slapped in the face with a book. I stood there unable to move like every muscle of my body is frozen. I can't believe he just did that infront me. I'm really really angry at the moment. all my life I trused that bastard, all my life I was inlove with the wrong person. I was about to go to them and beat the shit out of that bastard and that bitch when Emily grabbed my shoulder and calmed me down.

"hey, hey, what's wrong? calm down." her voice was full of concern. my sight is getting blurry and i am unable to utter a single word. I pointed out to James and when she saw what I was pointing at, her lips formed a perfect O and she looked back at me with a shock expression on her face. I didn't notice a single tear ran down my cheek. When she saw this, her expression became hard and It looks like she was about to kill something. or someone.

I really can't believe this is happening. Maybe this is just a dream, no, no, no, this cant be happening. this is just a nightmare. I'll pinch myself and I'll wake up. I pinched myself and still I was there standing next to Emily who was still watching them. no, no, nooo. this is isn't real. this can't be real. why?! why could he do this to me?! after all the times we've been through. the good, the bad, the memorable times. how could he do this?! what have I done?! I never should've trusted him in the first place. But after what he'd showed me before, it looked like I  didn't have a choice. he was so thoughtful, gentle, kind and all good traits you could think of. Many people even told me I was lucky to have him as a boyfriend. He's the best boyfriend you could ask for. well due to what I'm seeing now, He was.

my knees are trembling and i think I'm about to faint. this is just too much. first a guy spilled his coffee on me and now my boyfriend is cheating on me. All in just one day. WOW. am I cursed or something? or is bad luck my new bestfriend? I shook my head and snapped back to reality.

Emily's POV:


I can't believe he betrayed my bestfriend just like that. he cheated on her after what she has done for him. I have this urge to break his neck but I'll end up in jail if I'd do that and i seriously don't want that. I swear if killing a person was legal, I wouldn't have second thoughts about killing that jerk. She's being all sweet and lovey with that Bitch. and -Oh Come On! seriously?! he just kissed her neck! IN PUBLIC! and infront of Tina! I felt Tina tensed and this is really getting on my nerves. oh I'm so gonna get him. i was about to charge but then tina grabbed my elbow. I struggled at her strong grip. I hate it when i realize she's stronger than me. she may look skinny and all but she one strong girl. by strong i mean strength but when it comes to her feelings, she's as fragile as thin glass.

"Let me go, I gotta kill him!" i protested. she just stared at them and i can see that her eyes is full of emptiness. I can now see she is about to break any minute. I stopped struggling at her grip and pulled her into  a hug. she hugged me back and she dug her face in my neck. I can feel her tears in my neck and i attempt to calm her down but no matter what I do, she just cries more and more.

"why? w-why could he do this to me? h-why?!" she sobbed. i patted her back and pushed her from my neck and looked at her face. "I'll be right back ok?" i told her. she nodded. I gave a tissue from my bag and went to that douchebag. I just couldn't take it, watching Tina broken like that, it's- it's so hard. you feel like you're broken too. I was now behind them and I forcefully grabbed James from behind his shoulder and punched his sorry face. the bitch shrieked and helped James stand up.

"lily, what the fuck?" james said holding his jaw. I can't believe he's pretending like he doesnt know a thing! I growled at him

"Dont Lily-lily me asshole. You've been PDAing with this Whore while my bestfriend stands there broken and hurt. so don't ever call, talk, text, or see us again because if you do, you don't wanna know what i'lldo to you." i warned him with fury in my eyes. I grabbed the drink his girlfriend was holding and spilled it on his head while i threw the empty container on his girlfriend. I walked away from them and went back to Tina.

"where were you?" she asked me. her eyes are now red from the crying and her nose is now red from the sniffing.

"just finishing some business. now let's go before I do something illegal with that bastard." i said to her feeling proud  of what i just did a few minutes ago. she gave me a smile yet a broken and fake smile. I can tell because it didn't reach her eyes. I hugged her and gave her an everything-will-be-okay smile. she understood it because she nodded and took a deep breath. I grabbed her arm and we went to my car.

-author's note-

wassup guys. hope you enjoyed this chapter :)) Sorry  for the late update by the way. stay tuned guys :)

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