5- Revenge

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Chad's POV:

"Tina? Are you home?" i called out. this is peculiar, where could she be? If she's not home then why are the lights on? I checked her room and the sheets on her bed was messy like she just got out of it. her drawer was open and it looked like she was looking for somethi- oh no.

"Tina! Tina!" I knocked harshly on her bathroom door.

"Kristina open this god damn door right now!" i warned her. but still no reply.

I went downstairs and looked for the key to her bathroom. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the key from the cabinet and i didnt even realized that i was already running to her bathroom. I unlocked the door and there I saw Kristina lying beside the toilet, her left wrist was bleeding and she was unconcious. she looked very pale and it was obvious that she just cried because of her eyeliner that stained her cheek.

"Oh no." I rushed beside her and I leaned my ear on her chest. Her heart was still beating -thank god- and she was breathing normally. I put my right hand on her back and my left on her thighs. I lifted her up and carried her to her bed.

I carefully put her down on the mattress. As i successfully laid her down, I ran towards the kitchen, grabbed a towel from one of the kitchen drawers, grabbed a basin and filled it with hot water. i ran back to her room and positioned myself beside her. I dipped the towel in the hot water and squeezed it. i applied it on her forehead and wiped the blood from her arm also. later on, she flinched and she opened her eyes slowly.

As soon as she saw me, her eyes started to fill up tears and before i even knew it, she clutched my shirt and broke down. She sobbed endlessly unto my shirt as I rubbed her back, hugging her at the same time. She never cried like this before. What's going on?

Me: Shhhh. What's wrong, Tin? shhh.

Kristina: oh Chad, *sobs* I hate him! I hate him so much!

Me: w-what? who?

Kristina: J-James. H-he cheated on m-me.

That, son of a bitch. That hell of an asshole. that- that motherfucking douchebag. I can feel my fury burn inside me. That's it. I can't take this much longer. I knew that guy can't be trusted. That asshole. I can't take this anymore. I pushed Tina of off me and walked out of the room.

"C-chad. where are you going? don't do anything stupid. Chad! chad!" She called out. I just ignored her. the thought of making that douchebag pay for what he did to her kept me preouccupied.

Oh ho ho. That's exactly what I'm gonna do and there's no stopping me now.

I grabbed my car keys and went outside. I heard Tina call out my name but i paid no attention to her. My attention is targetted at that garbage douchebag who did this to her.

I started the ignition and drove to that asshole's place. As I arrived there, i went out of the car and went straight towards his front door. I knocked several times and finally he opened the door.

"Hey Chad, what brings you here?" He asked.

I can no longer hold myself. Seeing his damn face makes me want to puke.

without thinking twice.

I flew my arm across his face. I punched his jaw and he came crashing to the floor.

man, that felt good.

"you better think twice before you cheat on my bestfriend" I warned him. I gave him a deadly glare as he clutched his jaw. There was blood escaping his lips.

he stood up and looked at me, confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"don't talk bullshit to me. You cheated on her and you'll pay for what you did." i warned him.

"what the hell man? where did you hear this bullshit?" he looked at me, his tone now serious.

"don't you dare lie to me James. I know your style, acting like you don't know anything when in reality you know everything. Just- leave Kristina alone or-"

"or what? you'll beat the shit out of me? HA HA, you've been waiting for this moment haven't you? trying to be all nicey nice to make her realize that you're the one for her, am I right? well let me tell you something buddy, she'll never look at you the same way she looked at me. To her, you're nothing but a friend. wake up Chad! she'll never look at you as more than a friend. You'll always be the bestfriend. and no matter how much you try, you'll never get her. You'll never make her love you."

the words coming out of his mouth made my blood boil. I grabbed his collar and shoved him against the wall.

"you think I like her? bullshit. I love her. I love her because she's my bestfriend. She's like a sister to me already. If I liked her more than that, then I should've made a way to keep you two apart. but no I didn't because it would hurt her. from the day i heared that you two were together I didn't protest because she knows what she's doing. I didn't tell her who you really are because I know it'll just break her heart. I couldn't stand seeing her broken. And now you've done it and it's time to let you pay. and you're wrong about one thing. She loves me and I love her. We have a relationship that is extraordinary and unbreakable. You're the one who needs to wake up buddy. You don't deserve her. You never did and you never will. Fuck you, you bastard."

I shoved him once more and pushed him to the ground.

"don't ever think about showing your face in our apartment or that pretty face of yours will turn out broken."

I turned towards my car and got in. I started the ignition and drove back home.


Kristina's POV:

i heard the door open and shut at once.

"Chad?" I called out.

his head popped out at the side of the door with a goofy smile on his face.

"Hey love, how're you feeling?"

"empty" I said with all honesty.

"oh baby," he walked towards me and sat beside me. he opened  his arms for me to hug. I let him embrace me and I hid my face in the crook of his neck. I can feel his breathing on my hair and I relaxed in his warm embrace. I exhaled.

"chad?" i sniffled.

"mhmm?" he hummed as he caressed my hair.

"will you sleep with me tonight?"


we laid down. with me in his arms I felt safe and secure as I dozed of into a deep sleep.


sorry for the very late update. forgive me. :*

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