Well... The Six of you... are Dead...

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"Come on, come on!" Kaitlyn repeated over and over again as she led her sisters out...


"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" The sisters shrieked as a voice called.
Kaitlyn and Kristine were ready to attack,
Amorelle spread her wings,
Beth hair turns purple again and eyes became dull,
Swara had her magic ready,
Fiona was ready to do her shadow attack...

Only to realize it was Tony, Steve, Thor, Bruce, Loki and Bucky...

"Oh... hi guys!" Fiona waved as she and her sisters turned back to normal.
The six guys eyes widen and jaws dropped...

"How did you...?-" Bruce began...

"...Oh don't worry! We had them from before!" Beth grinned.

"Oh.... Good." Tony sigh in relief. Thor and Loki stared at Amorelle and Swara for a moment and looked at each other... they both sigh and shrugged it off.

"Aw, come here!" Steve grinned. Kristine leapt into Steve's arms, Kaitlyn jumped in Tony's arms, Thor swept up Amorelle off her feet, Beth give Bruce a tight hug, Loki picked up Swara and Bucky give kisses on a giggly Fiona cheek.

"Come on, your dad is coming at night!" Loki reminded.

"Let's move!" Bucky cried as all of them ran off.
They quickly made it to the van and Steve took a quick count down,

"Okay, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and..." he grins and points to himself "12."

"Let's go!" Steve cried as he got inside. Bucky drove, since he knows how to drive reckless and been in the most car chases.

... Everything was going okay... until Kristine and Beth looked back outside...

"Um... is 2 cars following us in a high speed... and have HYDRA signs... normal?" Beth nervously asked as Kristine glump...
All twelve of them looked at one and other... Bucky looked in the mirrors,

"Oh snap!" He cried and went faster.

"Can this day get worst?!" Tony cried.

Suddenly Bruce's cell phone buzzed...
He checked it and glumped.

"...It's Fury..." he stuttered...
Everyone eyes widen and groan, Bruce put it on speed dial and answered,

"Hey Fury..."

"Bruce, listen a bit of change of plans... we will be back at midnight. Okay bye!" Fury quickly cut the phone...

"Well, where now?" Swara asked.

"What time is it?" Bucky asked.

"Um... 4:45." Tony answered.

"Do we have time for this chase..?" Thor asked from the back.

"Apparently it is today!" Bucky cried.

"Where are we going?" Steve cried.

"Anywhere, but here!" Bucky yelled as he speed up and raced... to the city with those HYDRA mobiles behind them...

"If dad finds out..." Kaitlyn began...

"Well... the six of you... are dead..." Fiona finished.

"...Unless you don't tell him..." Thor said shortly as Loki, Bucky, Tony, Bruce and Steve nodded.

"...Okay." the six sisters simply said.

"Good." Tony said. Then his eyes widen,

"Stark Inderstorie's! Of course! We can crash at my company!" Tony eye lid up.

"GOOD IDEA!" All of them cried, as Bucky raced there,

"It's what I do." Tony smirked.


Done here for now!😊😁😄😶😋😀

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