12. Rise

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Only love could destroy a man like that.



"Harry Styles ,23 year old male, involved in a motor vehicle accident, deep collision, unresponsive, suspected traumatic brain injury, dilated pupil, pulse rapid and weak, cool and clammy, and low BP." The paramedics inform me as they rush the body into the room.

I am fast on my feet, ready to take action and hastily grab the chart, looking up on the information I can acquire. I need to act fast; his life is on the line. I walk into the bright room and check my surrounding. I can smell blood, I can hear the loud heart monitors, and I feel a surge of adrenaline hit me.

"Let's stabilize him. Prepare for blood transfusion." I order.

The nurses rush along; grabbing all the equipment needed and begin the IV. I rush to check for a pulse and I breathe in when I find one. I check the vitals; dysrhythmic. Bad sign, I hiss. I work my way up to meet his cold, pale skin. I tap for a reaction; no luck. I grab the light and spread his eyes open; pupils are dilated. I suspect cerebral cortex or brainstem injury.

"Page, Micheals. We need him in the O.R now." I bark.

I step back. There's not much I can do at this moment, but prepare for the worst. I stare at the young man in front of me; so much life left. He will make it through. I have faith. Before my eyes, he awakens. His green eyes pierce at me; I feel my blood warm up like never before. I stare at him and admire the beauty in him. I know this man from somewhere. But before I can process anything, the heart beat monitor stops. I panic.

I run to the side of the bed and bring out the AED; it's now or never. The nurses are already in position. This is nothing new to us. But for some reason, it feels different. I can't lose him, I think to myself.

"Charge to 300!"

Everyone stands back. "Clear!"

The clear whoosh is heard in the silent room. No response. I cry, "Come on... Come on!"

I breathe heavily and pray. "Clear!"

I close my eyes and hope.

The AED charges and finally his eyes come alive and his heart beats again.

I make my way closer to him, like gravity pulling me closer; something uncontrollable. He doesn't have long before they take him to the O.R. His beautiful green eyes are cold, lifeless, and inexpressive.

But I'm here to give them life again.

I smile like never before. "Everything's going to be alright. Today's going to be a good day."

~ ~

Yesterday, I had met him. Of course, not the circumstances I had imagined, but I couldn't get this man out of my head. I tried to get on with my day, focus on my patients and do my job, but the task was impossible. I would always find myself wandering back to him. How was he? I had desperately checked his charts and watched the daily nurse reports, but I hadn't seen him yet. There was no way to do that when I was stuck at the cardiac.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Dr. Paige walked in. "Go home!" She laughed.

"What?" I stared at her, confused. I raised my left hand, taking a look at my watch; half past 12. "Oh!"

She shook her head. "Workaholic Kate, go find a boyfriend!"

The floor was quiet. Everything was in order. I put on my pink coat and smiled. "I have two; Ben & Jerry."

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