Chapter 13

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Melody's POV

I felt someone shaking me in attempts to wake me up. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Summer standing there. My heart sank a little. She explained to me what actually happened. Hearing the truth still hurt. I'm glad that she didn't kiss back but the fact that Link kissed her really hurt. After she finished explaining she walked out of my room and went into hers. I decided to get up and go see Shadow. Im so glad we made up.....I never want to lose him again... I brushed my mane and tail so that way I would look some what decent. I walked by Summers room. I heard snoring. She really does need some sleep. I continued walking down the stairs until I reached the front door. I opened it only to be greeted by Shadow. "Hey Melody!" He said as he have me hug. "Hi Shadow! I was just going to go see you." I told him as I hugged back.
"Aw thanks!" He replied as he grinned. "Well wanna go hang out at the park?" I asked him. "Sure! Let's go!!" He said as he grabbed my hoof and started to pull me along. "Whoa Shadow slow down!" I yell. Finally we come to a halt as we reach a park bench. We sat and talked for what seemed to be hours. We were laughing and having fun until, Link walked up to us. "Oh hey Link!" Shadow said happily. "Hello Shadow, hi Melody..." Link replied while trailing off a bit. "Heh hello Link." I said nervously. "So what brings you here today?" Shadow asked Link. "Oh well
I came because I wanted to talk to Melody." My heart skipped a beat. Oh no.....he's going to tell me he wants to break up.....this is my chance to apologize to him! "Oh heh what for?" I asked. "I just really need to talk to you. So could you come on a walk with me please?" He replied. "Uh sure. Shadow is it ok if we hang out a bit later?" I ask Shadow. He replies with a nods and a warm smile. "Thanks Shadow. See you later. " I say as I start to walk along side Link.

Link POV

Once I'm done, she's going to know how horrible I felt. She is going to feel what I felt only worse. There will
Be no "later" for you Melody....

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