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1:25 am

Lindy's footsteps dragged as she lumbered after Ashton, disappointed that their moment had come to an abrupt stop in courtesy of Calum. As soon as Ashton stalked out of the bathroom, his posture had straightened, his face relapsing back into it's seemingly permanent state of distaste. When the pair returned to the front of the store, Michael was standing guard by the front door. Calum was pacing behind the couch where Luke was still unconscious, and Andi sat at the stool behind the register, eyebrows knitted in concern as she watched Luke. 

Ashton made his way over to where their supplies had been piled up, fishing for his backpack. "I think it's time for us to go," he said briskly, grunting as he pulled the heavy backpack over his shoulder. "Thanks for restocking my pack by the way, Cal."

 Calum stopped pacing, immediately crossing over to Ashton. "You sure about this?" he questioned seriously, reaching out to touch Ashton's shoulder. "Nobody's keeping you from staying here." Lindy could tell Calum was trying to keep his cool, but even she heard the waver in his voice.

"I'm sure," Ashton nodded, pulling Calum in for a hug and giving his back a firm pat. "I'll see you in a little bit." Ashton pulled back, turning to Andi, who was gazing up at her old friend fondly. "You're sure you can handle these two on your own?" he murmured with an amused smile, going in for a hug. 

Andi gave him a tight squeeze, before letting go and arching an eyebrow playfully. "I think I can manage," she replied, before stepping back. "You know where to find us - 77th and Stanford. And watch over our favorite Purgin for me, too, alright?"

Lindy glanced back to Ashton, who covered up his blush by looking in the opposite direction to where Michael, obviously ready to leave, was lingering by the door. "I will." Ashton replied, before walking over to join Michael.

What was that all about?  Lindy was perplexed, turning back to Andi who was waggling her eyebrows suggestively at her. "I'll see you soon, Andi." Lindy managed a small smile, nodding to her new friend. 


Lindy, for the first time, saw these people not as mere lifelines or acquaintances, but friends.

"Take care, Lindy." Andi replied, before stepping back to join Calum who was fishing out a few bottles of water for the departing trio to take with them. 

"I'll catch you guys on the flip side." Michael saluted Calum and Andi from the doorway, lips curling into a genuine smile instead of a sneer for once.

"Likewise." Calum called to Michael, tossing the bottle of water to him. Michael effortlessly caught the thing with one hand, letting his backpack slide down his arm as he stuffed the bottle inside. 

Ashton slung his backpack over his shoulder, preparing to leave but stopping cold with an afterthought. "Hey, Cal," he looked over his shoulder to his friend in question. "If Luke wakes up while we're gone, can you tell him that..." Ashton looked conflicted, hazel eyes distracted as if he were staring at something very far away. "Just tell him I said thanks, okay?"

"Of course," Calum nodded. "You guys should probably go now if you're going to leave, though. I don't want you to run into any larger groups poking around here."

Michael's icy green eyes swept over Lindy and Ashton. "Let's go, then." 

Casting one last glance over her shoulder, Lindy sent Calum, Andi, and Luke one last silent farewell before following Michael and Ashton out.  Lindy gazed across the street with a faint shudder in remembrance of the people dressed as clowns - all of whom which were still sprawled out across the street lying in puddles of their own blood. If it were up to the moral part of Lindy, she'd want a proper burial for each and every one of them, even if they had tried to kill her. 

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