12. The Boogie Man

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After their capture the trio of terror let slip that 'you would never find the green door.' Fortunately, Jack knew what they were talking about. The green door was all the way down by the base of the tree, but only accessible by a giant enclosed slide. It might have been a fun route to take if it hadn't been pitch black. Your group fought off the heartless at the bottom before walking through the glowing green door on the other side of the little hidden clearing. When it was your turn to pass by the door you found yourself edging away from the large, creepy face covering it.

Inside was just as strange as the rest of the world had been. You were surrounded by stone walls and high pitched eerie laughter. Dominating the room was a humongous roulette wheel lowered into the floor and surrounded by neon lights, spikes, jack-o-lanterns, and what looked like robots with guns. Yuffie was at the center of the wheel on a raised platform. Her arms and legs were tied in such a way that left no room for movement, but as soon as she saw the group enter she started shouting.

"Guys! You made it! I promise I'll never leave the group again! On my ninja honor! You gotta get me outta here- this Oogie Boogie is a real weirdo!"

While she was yelling, Jack pointed across the room at the creature there. It looked like a large burlap sack with arms and legs. You recognized its face as the image on the door you had just passed through.

"Oogie Boogie!" Jack called, "Give me back the heart!" The skeleton's brow was furrowed in determination and his mouth was drawn flat into a long, serious frown.

"And our friend!" Tifa added just as fiercely.

"You want 'em?" Oogie Boogie leaned toward the group and his arms came away from his sides aggressively. His deep, clear voice rang around the room as he spoke. "Well, then come on over and get 'em!" He pulled the heart out from behind his back and gestured to Yuffie with his free arm. The smirk on his face reached all the way across his head before he suddenly threw the heart into his mouth and swallowed it whole. He proceeded to laugh. It was a goofy laugh for a villain, but that somehow made it creepier.

I hope he doesn't do the same to Yuffie.

"Now," Oogie continued, "let's see if I can get their attention. Oh, Heartless!" He said the creatures' name in a sing songy voice as he called on them. Two of the winged gargoyle-like heartless flew down to him from somewhere above, each taking rank on one of his sides. You called out your keyblade, preparing for battle.

But Mr. Boogie didn't attack yet. He looked around with surprise and disappointment showing on his very expressive face. "This is it?" he asked flatly. Then, with more enthusiasm, he added, "Nobody disrespects me! Nobody!"

Without any warning except for Oogie Boogie's anger your group was thrown into the glowing roulette game.

"Someone get to Yuffie!" Tifa called.

"I've got her!" Cloud announced as he jumped up to reach for the platform she was on.

The two heartless were sent to attack, and after those were easily taken care of the floor began to spin. Wrought iron fences similar to those you had seen outside sprang up between each slice of the roulette circle, dividing the group as it attacked. You were gated off from everyone else. The game began to spin faster. Cloud and Yuffie were thrown off of the small platform at the center, but you noticed they had managed to miss any spikes. The floor came to a quick halt a moment later and you were thrown against one of the grates. When you regained your footing you stood staring at the wall of the game, where there stood three of the armed robots you had noticed earlier. They lifted their guns in sync and you only had time for your eyes to widen before three simultaneous shots were fired. You felt one rip through your arm and cried out. Your other hand flew to the wound as the robots lowered their guns.

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