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I finish my breakfast, dusting my hands off.

I hear a knock at the door and smile. Tom's early.

I run to the door and throw it open. "Tom-!"

Star and Marco stare back at me.

"You're not Tom." I start to close the door, but a Star holds out her foot to prevent me from doing so. "Star, let me close the door."

"(Y/n)." Star says sadly. I immidiately feel bad, hearing her normally cheerful voice sadden.

I open the door the tiniest bit. Marco looks at me. "We were wondering if you wanted to walk with us to school."

I swallow nervously. "Please?" Marco adds.

I blink and open the door wider. I know I'm being petty, but if they don't think I can make my own choices-

"We brought you a slice of pizza." Star pipes up. I immidiately open the door fully and take it from them.

They grin widely as I speak with my mouth full. "You're forgiven."

I close the door and sit down on the stairs, zipping my bag open. "What are you doing?" Star asks, bouncing on her toes.

I rip out a piece of paper from my English notebook and start to write on it with a marker. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go."

I zip up my bag and tape up the piece of paper to the front door.

We start walking to school, laughing and joking like we're supposed to.

Not going to lie, I've missed this.


I stop my carriage, about to call out for (y/n) when I see something on her front door.

I hop out of the carriage and make my way to the door, tearing the note off of the door.

Heyyyyy, TomCat.

I roll my eyes, suppressing a smile.

So tdy I'm walking to school with Star and Marco. Isn't that great?? They said they were sry and they gave me pizza. Amazing, right? It has cheese!!

I think I'll be walking with them bk home, too. I hope you don't mind. You don't, rite?

Anyyyyway, ciao!


I stare at the note, dumbfounded.

No, not because of the slang. (Y/n) taught me how that worked.

It's because (y/n)'s walking with them.



im the worst i know

go on, spam me with hate 😂

k bai

- kayte west

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