Chapter 2

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"Get some oxygen going and get the needle and thread ready!" I cleaned her wound as I laid her on the table. My coworker handed me the needle and thread and put the oxygen mask on her mouth. 

I sewed up her fin and wrapped it in a bandage after I finished. I patted her shell lightly and she looked at me happily but also very tiredly. I picked her up carefully and set her with the other turtles. The turtles huddled together and I put her on their backs. They carried her to the sandy beach part of the tank and huddled close to her. "Take good care of her guys." I smiled and made sure she was safe and left to clean up.

That had taken a while and I missed lunch I was allowed to go home early. Which is great! I grabbed my bike after saying goodbye to the animals and feeding them and left for my house.

I reached home and set my bike on the side of the house. I went inside and stripped off my clothes and shoes. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me as I walked out.

I set the towel on the sand and sat down in the waves. In a few seconds my tail grew and I was my mermaid self. I laid back on the sand and just sat there listening to the waves and feeling content.

I sat up and hauled myself into the water. I called out to Bruno and saw his familiar fin racing towards me. I hugged him. As he nuzzeld me. "I missed you today." He nuzzled me and swam around me in excited circles. "Come on let's go!" I dove into the water and we raced off to nowhere. I just like to swim. I swam quickly Bruno keeping good pace with me. I came out of the water and went back under doing a signature tail flip. I loved doing those.

A mile later I came upon a yacht. I hadn't seen this kind of boat around here, and me being the curious creature I am I went up to the boat. I grabbed onto the side and found a ledge where I could sit and watch. I told Bruno to stick close  and circle the boat.

I peeked over the boat and saw a handsome man, he had dark brown hair that was slicked back and some stubble on his face. He had on a pair of swim trunks on and  damn he was ripped. I couldn't help but oggle  him for a moment. He was pacing the boat for a minute and turned towards me. I shrunk down trying to hide. "Hello? Is there anybody there?" His voice was so smooth and sexy, I could listen to that all day.

He started walking towards me and I quickly jumped off the boat. I slipped under the boat and held Bruno back from coming over there, he would surely try to protect me and last time that happened...let's just say it didn't end well.

I heard his footsteps walk away and I carefully came out and saw him laying down to sun bathe. I came back up onto the ledge and watched being way more careful. He got up a few minutes later and went to what I guessed was the engine room to start the engine. I heard it make some gurgling sounds which was not good. It started smoking and I jumped off a spilt second before it exploded. Just before I jumped off I saw him running out of there.

I dove in and saw a bunch of pieces of the ship go everywhere and the rest of it sinking. I knew it was against mermaid law but I had to help. I poked my head above water and looked for him. I saw his head starting to go underwater.

I rushed to him and grabbed him under the arms and pulled him up. He was heavy but I couldn't let him drown. He was unconscious now and I set him on the back of Bruno. We took off towards my beach.

I raced there Bruno right behind me and I saw my house coming up. I got there and Bruno got as close as he could. I grabbed the man and tugged him to shore. I got him out of the water and only his feet remained in the water. I checked for breathing and he was thankfully breathing now, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I dragged myself up next to him my tail in the water still. I moved the hair out of his face and looked at him. He was stunning. I sat up and checked for any injuries. I didn't see any except for a few scratches and bruises which was really good. I listened to his heart rate and it picked up which meant he's waking up. I pulled away and saw his eyes flutter open. I receded into the water trying to hide my tail.

He sat up and rubbed his head. He looked around and our eyes met. I looked into his blue eyes and he looked into mine. I hid behind my shark a second later that was just under the surface to be hidden. "Wait!" He stood up and started walking calmly towards me. "Please don't go, I won't hurt you." I backed away my head above the water again. I felt my shark go rigid. I grabbed him and pulled him away.

He saw the shark and jumped back. "There's a shark get away!" I pulled Bruno back put he pulled me forward, I at least was slowing him down by trying to swim the other direction. He got out of the water, which is good, I don't want him to be dinner for Bruno. By the way Bruno is a great white.

I swam away calling Bruno to me, I'll go to my house another way, I had a place for this. "Wait don't leave!"

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