Chapter 3

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I found my secret entrance to my beach. There was a small forest close to my house. I got out of the water and made my tail dry quickly. I should have brought clothes with me, I'll just have to make some temporary clothes.

I stood up and I moved my hands in small circles and I felt scales popping up over my chest and bikini area. It would make a nice scale bikini, it'll last for about an hour or so.

I ran quietly through the forest and hid behind a tree. I came out slowly trying to get to my house with out being seen. I stepped out and ran quickly. "Hey!" I stopped dead in my tracks like a deer in headlights. I panicked and he ran over to me. "Did you save me?" I slowly nodded  my head yes. He took a step closer and I backed away. I saw hurt flash through his eyes.

I ran off into my house and locked the door behind me. I looked out my window to watch him. He looked at the house for awhile seeing if I would come out. He sighed and sadly walked away. I released a breath and slid down to the wall. I really hope he doesn't come back here.

I removed my scale clothing and put on some clothes. I slipped on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I walked to my kitchen and ate some dinner. I had some left over salmon from the other night.

I finished and the sun was starting to go down. Great. I stripped off my clothes and grabbed my board. I ran out of the house and reached the water as I was starting to turn. That was really close.

I hopped on my board and paddled a little farther out. Bruno met me and I pet his head. I yawned and turned over onto my back. Bruno started circling me and I drifted off to sleep watching the sun go down.

I woke up the next morning and swam to shore. I started getting ready for work. I showered, well bathed, can't take a shower. After that I put my clothes on and put my hair up into a ponytail. I grabbed breakfast and grabbed my bike to go to work.

His P.O.V.

I walked home after looking at her one last time she was so beautiful. I came home and went straight to bed, I was so tired and I couldn't wait to try to find her tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning and got ready for work. I grabbed my Armani suit that was black and put that on. I combed my hair back and brushed my teeth extra well, so my breath didn't stink if I found her.

My doorbell rang which meant my best friend Jake was here to pick me up. I rushed down and hopped into his 2017 stingray corvette, otherwise known as his baby. I greeted him and buckled up. We are CEO's of our companies here. I am the CEO of all the aquariums in the US  and he is the CEO of  Chevrolet. "Hey bro take me to the flower shop." He looked at me weirdly and then he smirked.

"You met a girl didn't you?  Tell me all about it! Was she hot?  Dude I bet she's totally hot, does she have a friend or sister?" I laughed at my friend, he was always like this. "Yeah I met a girl, she saved me when my yacht blew up yesterday. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And she won't talk to me she ran away when I tried to talk to her. But wow, she is beautiful, now all I gotta do is find her." He looked at me happily. "Well you'll just have to let me meet her when you find her, by the way we're here!" We laughed and I got out and walked into the shop. I bought a dozen red roses, I hope she likes roses.

I came out and got into my friend's car. "Drop me off at the aquarium, I have a routine inspection today." I groaned, this was so boring. My friend chuckled. "Have fun with that and call me if you find her."

Jake dropped me off at the aquarium. I put the roses behind my back and walked in. I saw everything was running smoothly and everyone looked at me weirdly since I had flowers.

Alani  P.O.V.

I came into work and all my coworkers were buzzing about how the boss was coming in, I had never met him but all the girls said he was super hot. I heard a girl rushing by saying he was here. I grabbed my food and started walking towards the tanks. I checked on the turtle I rescued yesterday and made sure she got some food before feeding the other turtles.

My coworker came by and whispered to me that he was coming. Great. I kept working and I heard footsteps coming down the hall towards me. They slowed to a halt. That made me nervous. I heard him whispering to a coworker."Who is that girl?" He said it nervously and then it hit me, it was him. I froze he found me and he's my boss. "Oh her, that's Alani, she is in charge of the baby animals and search and rescue missions." I heard him start walking towards me and I quickly rushed away to the kitchen to try to hide.

I walked quickly and shut the door slinking back to the floor against the door so if anyone looked in they couldn't see me. I heard his footsteps walk past me. I let out a breath and peeked through the window, that was close. I walked out and finished feeding the animals as quickly as I could so I could spend the rest of the day hiding from him, knowing my luck he'd be here all day. I heard his footsteps again. I rushed out to another part. "Wait!"

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