Chapter One

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I walked into the classroom like I owned the place- which in a way I did. The various catcalls and whistles from the general female population was like music to my ears. I loved being the center of attention, and each day it happened was like a giant stroke to my already big ego. My teammates surrounded me, commenting on the big win from last night's game and clapping me on the shoulder for a job well done.

In the distance, Stella- my latest conquest- was texting on her phone and peeking up at me through her long thick lashes, pretending not to notice or care but I knew better. She was still hung up on me and wondering why I refused her a second roll in my glorious sheets. It was a general rule with me, never sleep with a girl twice, and Stella was no different from the rest.

Here in college I was the most wanted man in the place, rich and known for my playboy ways. My dads money was the thing that girls liked the most, each of them hoping to get their claws into it. In fact, my dad had funded over half of the college in exchange for a free pass at most every stupid thing I did, and life was fairly easy being that I didn't have to work for much. Everyone knew it, and some even hated me for it.

The only thing I've ever had to work on was getting into a girls pants, and boy did I love getting into a girl's pants. I practically had a new girl drooling at my feet every night and all the guys thought I was some type of sex god. I wasn't, but I wasn't going to correct them or anything. I thrived on the carefully constructed facade I had made for myself, the eager to please playboy that cared about nothing and no one, hiding what was really inside.

I didn't like many guys, but the few I could stand for more than a few minutes at a time were seated around me in the living room of my penthouse apartment. I knew it was the fame and fortune that kept them around, but I didn't mind. After all a friend was a friend no matter what their intentions, and it sure beat being alone.

Beers were passed around like water and the never ending card games droned on and on, distracting me from thinking about the one thing that always seemed to haunt me wherever I went.

Despite the fact that dad always threw money at me, I was utterly and truly alone. My dad didn't truly care one bit what I did or where I went, as long as I kept his family name clean. Instead he preferred to toss enough money to keep me away for as long as possible so that he could live his own life without being tied down. Those were his words, not mine. As if I could ever tie him down. Dad was a free spirit and he treated the ladies much like I did. I guess that's where I got it from, being the great role model that he was and all.

It had been like that since my mother left. That was the day I realized that people would only love you if you had the best things and the most money. Because after all isn't that what life was about? Money and power? People had proved it to me time and time again.

It's why mom just up and left me alone with dad. Because she found someone with more money and more power. She never truly cared about me, or she would have taken me with her instead of leaving me with him to endure the countless lessons he bestowed upon me. Lessons I'd have rather not learned.

I looked around at my friends, wondering what truly kept the guys coming around. Was it the never ending supply of beer? Or was it because it kept them popular? It didn't matter really, as long as they kept coming.

Because the one thing I hated the most was the sound of utter silence.

My phone dinged in my pocket, alerting me to a new text. I had just gotten the phone today, and was annoyed that it was already ringing here during bro time. I cursed aloud and yanked it from my pocket.

Flicking the screen to unlock it, a notification popped up.

One new text.

I rolled my eyes, wondering which stupid girl was trying to get my attention now, and how they always seemed to know my number even when I didn't bother to give it to them. I guess that came with the territory, but it was annoying none the less.

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