Chapter Two

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My first day at a new school always sucked. I hated being the center of attention at such a fragile time in my life. It felt as if people were staring right through me each time I walked into a new class.

I always felt like I had a sign on me when I started, a sign that read fresh meat.

The sensation of being watched made my eyes roam the room. A tall handsome guy slouched in the back corner of the room alone, watching my every move in that hungry sort of way-like he was a lion and I was his prey. I knew immediately from the way his eyes roamed my body what his intentions were. When he realized he had been caught, he tilted his head back and winked, giving a small wave. Awkwardly I waved back, turning away immediately. Even my first impression of his handsome features couldn't deter the gut feeling I had inside to stay away from him. I made a mental note to sit as far away from him as possible and avoid him at all costs.

I glanced back to the corner again to see tall and handsome flirting with several girls and I knew his type immediately. I wasn't about to fall for that. Especially not now. My lips drew up into a sneer and turned my sights to another corner of the room.

There was a small girl with black hair. She had blue highlights running through it and she was in the seat farthest from tall and handsome. I saw the empty seat beside her, and hurried to claim it, stopping short for a moment. I studied her from afar for a moment, trying to get a sense of if she was friendly or not. She looked sort of goth. All black clothing, facial piercings, and gauged out plugs in her ears. Her dark eyeliner was heavy, and there was a scary looking smiling skull on her shirt.

I had always been afraid of goths, they were too dark for me, but now I felt I related in some way

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I had always been afraid of goths, they were too dark for me, but now I felt I related in some way.

My life had never been darker than it was now.

Goth girl didn't say anything as I sat down, she just gave me a small smile and then turned back to listen to the professor who had arrived and was starting class as the rest of the seats filled in around me.

I turned my eyes forward, listening to the professor teach about things I already knew. Things I had already learned at Duke the semester before this. It was crazy how they were ahead. Crazy, but beneficial in a way. I didn't have to try as hard.

It sucked transferring in the middle of the semester, but I couldn't go back to Duke and be who I was before the accident. I just couldn't. It wouldn't be the same without Jack.

My thoughts drifted back to player boy. I almost turned around to look back at him but thought better of it.

What makes a player want to be a player? Didn't they realize that women were people too?

I vaguely heard the professor talk about mental diseases but the thoughts in my head were much more interesting.

"Mr. Scott! Wake up or get out of my class!" The professor yelled, yanking me from my thoughts and causing me to jump up thinking he was speaking to me. I looked wildly around me, realizing all eyes were not on me but on tall and handsome in the corner.

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