[Oikawa Tooru | I love you!]

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i love you

After a long walk on the way to school, you finally arrived in your classroom.
The same classroom that the "Oikawa Tooru" also has. Being the first one in your class can be quite relaxing. No annoying and noisy classmates to bother you for a few minutes before the other early students come and arrive.

Sliding the door open you then proceeded to go to your seat.

Placing your bag on the side of your chair and sitting down, you then placed your head between your arms. Being content, you sighed and nuzzled your head in your arms.

'This is the life.' you thought, smiling.


You groaned.

'I guess all good things have to end at some point' you thought bitterly. "[Name]-chan! Good morning!" Oikawa said. Said male, then proceeded to open the window. You winced, currently not used to such brightness after your ruined nap.

You looked away to avoid Oikawa and his 'Happy morning attitude'.
He definitely was a morning person.

You grumbled and went back to your same position before "Morning." you replied. Oikawa pouted and went over to your desk. "[Name]-channnn, why do you have to be such a grump in the morning?" the brunette whined. Lifting your head from your desk, you glared at him and replied " Oikawa Tooru, it's 6:25 AM in the morning. I woke up at 4:10 AM just so I could get my ass inside this hellhole."

Oikawa pointed at you "See? Look you're being a grump right now!" You groaned, "Of course I am, who in the world would be happy because they woke up early just so they could go to school?" you retorted.

He smiled brightly "Me of course!"

You rolled your eyes and slammed your head on the desk.


The brunette then yelped at your sudden act. Clearly shocked, he was about to ask when the early few students came inside the classroom and already taking their seats. Oikawa being interrupted by a student on whatever they needed, quickly focused his attention solely on them. Happily chattering to the student and talking about whatever they do at this school.

Feeling relief, you then went back into your sleeping position.

You couldn't sleep anymore.

"God fucking dammit." you muttered under your breath. Ruffling your hair, you sighed. "Guess I'll be doodling stuff."

After taking out your sketchbook, you then went on to drawing and doodling different things here and there.

After drawing a small flower in the corner you then proceeded to go continue your sketch that you have yet to finish yesterday.


You jumped and looked at where the source of the voice came from. Looking at the familiar brunette, he smiled cheekily and winked at you, you scoffed and looked back at your paper. A red hue was visible on your cheeks and Oikawa was there to see it. Said male then smirked and turned back to the student he was talking to before.

After a few minutes of chattering, Oikawa felt a tap at his shoulder. Turning around, he faced another student who was holding a folded note to him. "What's this?" "Someone asked me to give it to you." replied the student after shrugging. The student then turned and went back to their desk, leaving Oikawa to do as he pleases.

Oikawa then stared at the folded note and opened it.

Scanning the contents of the said note, Oikawa smiled and looked at you. You looked back with the red hue on your cheeks and bashfully smiled before hiding your face with your bangs. Oikawa returned the favour, his cheeks now blushing as well. He then smiled at the message that you wrote for him.

' I love you too. '

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