[Akaashi Keiji | Senpai]

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a part of my soul disappeared when i wrote the title


anyway here's the request ;)


In the gym, the only thing that you can clearly hear from 50 miles away was Bokuto's annoying laugh. Here inside the gym, you're able to see Bokuto laughing loudly annoyingly, the rest of the Fukurodani volleyball team wasn't surprised by their captain and a blushing Akaashi Keiji.

"OH MY GOD! THIS SO UNBELIEVABLE!" Bokuto laughed out, clutching his stomach. Akaashi getting annoyed and embarrassed by his captain's antics he replied "If you don't stop, I will not toss to you anymo-" "gAH! Akaashi, I'm so sorry! Please toss to me! " Bokuto's mood doing a complete 180 degree and clung to Akaashi's leg. 

Akaashi sighed. Was it a good idea to tell his teammates his undying love for you that he likes you? Probably not.

You see, Bokuto noticed that Akaashi was not the composed setter that he was whenever he was around you. How there would be a light shade of pink on his cheeks and he almost stuttered his words whenever you smiled at him. How did he know? Nobody knows, that's just how he is. (Bokuto accidentally forgot and left the notes you gave him so he could pass his math exam in your class and he happen to saw you conversing with a very flustered Akaashi and took it to his advantage.)

So later at practice when Bokuto confronted Akaashi about it, the latter decided to reveal that he likes you.

And here it brings us back to our situation right now.

"Well..so what if I have a crush on (l/n)-san?" Akaashi asked, avoiding Bokuto's gaze. Bokuto removed himself from Akaashi's leg and smiled. "We're helping you get her!" the entire team sweatdropped after that.

"(l/n)-san is a third year right?" Wataru asked. Konoha nodded " Hey, Akaashi isn't she like 2 years older than you?" Akaashi nodded. "Uwoooh! You have a crush on one of your senpais!" Bokuto's eyes sparkled.

"Isn't she your senpai as well, Bokuto? She's like a year older than you." Konoha said, snickering with Komi after.

Bokuto quickly turned to them "We're in the same year so it doesn't matter!" he grumbled. "Anyway, what we're going to do now is that we're going to help out our little kouhai over here!" Bokuto yelled, pointing at Akaashi. 

"Okay, so here's what you're gonna do."


Akaashi profusely muttered incoherent words as he awaited for your arrival at the said destination that you were supposed to meet. 'Bokuto-san, I understand that you're trying to help but leaving a note in her locker that says where me and (l/n)-senpai should meet and just shoving a bouquet of flowers at me and telling me good luck without me until now isn't going to help!' he thought anxiously.

"Akaashi?" your voice broke his train of thought. 'I could kill him later but for now..' he quickly composed himself and tried to calm the fast beating of his heart.

"Ah, (l/n)-senpai. You came." he managed to let out. Hiding the bouquet behind his back and greeted you. You smiled and put your hands to your hips "Hey Heyy, Akaashi! It's been awhile!" you smiled cheekily, to which Akaashi blushed at and his heart beat quickened. He nodded "Yes, it has." you grinned "So, what did you call me here for?" you asked while tilting your head.

'FUCK.' Akaashi thought. 'She's too fucking cute. Fuck, fuc k!!' Akaashi coughed, and quickly gave you the bouquet.

You stumbled a little because he almost practically shoved it at your face. Your eyes widened in surprise as you stare at the wonderfully made bouquet that he was giving to you. "(l/n)-senpai..I like you a lot..an-" "What! Holy shit, Akaashi, I love you too!" Akaashi looked up, flabbergasted.
You took the bouquet in one hand and took his hand with the other. "Akaashi, I like you a lot too! You're so cute and smart! You're the greatest kouhai ever!" you smiled really big, it was enough to make Akaashi melt on the spot.

You gently placed the flowers down on the ground, Akaashi followed your actions with a gaze and was confused until you turned around and jumped on him. Akaashi stumbled back a bit and wrapped his arms around you to prevent the both of you from falling.

"(l/n)-senpai-!!" "Call me by my first name from now on, Keiji!" you smiled warmly at him. 

'That's it, I'm gone.' Akaashi thought before his face was flushed with pure red with steam coming out his ears as he buried his face on your neck.


zdfsdgsd i hope u like it!!

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