[Kyoutani Kentarou | Protect]

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Right now, Kyoutani was looking at something he did not like. What was it you ask?

Your scars.

Well actually, he would love you the way you are but those scars didn't come from you.

They came from someone else.

And right now, you were trying to calm him down. Trying,

"Kyoutani, it's okay. These are old ones! They aren't new." you told him. Though he was still not convinced. How dare someone hurt his significant other. You sweatdropped 'If he found out that my junior high classmates did this, they would've been fucking dead.'

"Kyo-" "Who did this?" he said, his words laced with venom. You nervously look at him, although he was infuriated, he was gently holding your arm as if holding it too tight might break it (it kinda would).

Your gaze softened and you caress his cheek, him slightly leaning to your touch. "Where'd you get these scars anyway?" "I got them when I was still in Junior high." his eyes quickly flickered to you.

"My senpais weren't exactly the best in the volleyball club, I couldn't properly play in matches or even play at all because of them. I only managed to play properly when it was my 3rd year in Junior high. They also gave me these scars so." You froze.


"They did this to you?" Kyoutani asked, although it sounded more of a statement. Slowly and nervously, you nodded. Kyoutani immediately stood up and ripped himself from your grasp "When I get my hands on them, I'm going to beat their fucking asses and-" he was cut off when you softly pecked his cheek. His eyes widened from bewilderment. You sighed, and led him back on the bed.

You leaned on his chest "It's alright Kentarou. I already took care of them before, you don't have to do anything except to just wait for them to heal. Or if they ever do." you softly spoke, muttering the last part. He grunted and wrapped his arms around as if to protect you.

He gave you a peck on the forehead and put his chin on top of your head. "If anyone dares to do hurt you again, I'm not going to hesitate on kicking their ass."
You chuckled.

"I love you too, Ken."

[sdfasdfafa I hope this wasn't boring or kinda weird for you guys ;;;;;;; i tried rip]

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