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It's been like 3 weeks since I last updated this story, might as well get on with it.

Okay, first excuse, PokemonGo. Yes, I am one of those people. I have become one with the PokemonGo journey, but I honestly haven't been on it that much because I don't feel like walking in the Illinois heat and melting, and my house where I live is basically a Pokemon Dead Zone and I can't even catch a low CP Ratatta.

Excuse #2 is the most horrible writers block known to man kind. For the past like week, I finally felt up to writing some content and posting a chapter of something for you guys, but I would seriously go to Drive, go into my folders, find my current writing script and write one single paragraph and then just close the tab because I felt like everything I wrote wouldn't be good enough for you guys and I want you guys to enjoy the story and not be part of my annual bore fest, so that was fun.

3rd Excuse is this: In 2 weeks time, on the 5th of August, I will begin to head back to Missouri and enter my last year of high school, and as my fear of reality grows, me stress skyrockets and my anxiety worsens, I also fight a pretty nasty battle with some depression, but I'm okay I promise! (Maybe)

The point I'm trying to stress here is I'm so very sorry for the recent lack of content. Along with the reasons I listed above, also known as my pity-party XD, my laptop here has been rejected me like no other. It rejects everything almost daily, it won't connect to my garbage internet, storms keep blowing through and fucking with my life and it restarted itself and installed Windows 10. ON. ITS. OWN. Which I didn't even want for the record.

I am currently writing the next chapter and I've been working nonstop since this afternoon to try and get some content. I will hopefully post it soon, and if it all works out, it will be a decent sized chapter to try and make up for my lack of stories. When I get back to Missouri, I will be in my room most of the time and not as active as i am here, so hopefully I can get WAY more content much much quicker then. Until the next time I post, which is hopefully very soon, I will see all you lovelies later and I do apologize again!

-Ms. Author


Akagami no Shirayukihime - Modern!Obi X (OC) - Living Towards TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now