Chapter 21 - Planning The Show

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A/N - Yes short chapter I know, but I figured I'd come out with something as I'm currently busy with two other projects that might be happening. Let's just fill you in before I have to do another A/N Update instead of a new chapter.  1)  Is I may or may not be creating a Youtube Channel with my friend!  It's something we've been thinking on for like a year, but since we're seniors we've decided to do it.  We have no idea when it will happen, but soon and what kind fo content we'll upload, but we'll figure it out XD  2) I may soon be going to an ANIME CONVENTION!  I haven't been to one in forever I swear, 2014 was years ago XD So I'll be busy making my cosplay, I have two or three ideas to choose from. 

Alright, enough chit-chat, I hope you all enjoy this rather short chapter and I will update soon again I hope~!



It wasn't long before Alice took the situation into consideration. Her brother was coming home, but there were some catches. He wouldn't be staying for long, he still has work to attend to overseas; he's taking some time off and bringing his fiance back to meet with Alice. She's exchanged letters with her through her brother before, but she was nervous to meet her in person. They'd be arriving Saturday, the next day and Alice would feel like a pretty bad host if she did have something planned.

She paced to and fro in her room as Obi's eyes followed her. Her arm was latched across her waist, her other arm resting on it and cupping her chin as she furrowed her brow and muttered to herself about things that she could do to keep them entertained for their visit. Obi was sitting cross legged on the edge of her bed, snacking on some raspberries Alice had brought home from the cafe once before.

Alice stopped in front of her bed as she just fell into it, face first, her hair sprawling beside her and along side her back. She let out a distressed groan that was muffled in the blankets and Obi just watched her figure fall and seep into the bed, trying not to laugh. Obi began thinking to, her brian was obviously on over drive so she couldn't process anything clearly until she was proposed an idea to think out on. One thing specifically.

"Oh yeah." He clicked his fingers together, snapping them as he leaned back on the bed, the berries in his lap and his arms behind him for support. "Hey Little Red, how about taking them to the school play?" Alice's shoulders twitched. "Course, it's not broadway stuff, but it'd be two birds with one stone. You'd get to show them your school, and what it's made of as well as showing off the art clubs skill in props. All that, and of course, it's a great conversation topic you know."

Alice quickly rolled onto her back then sat herself up before just staying there silent for a moment. She then turned to Obi, slamming her hands on the beside him, coming unnaturally close to him as a whole. Her eyes were determined.

"Do you have Tohru's number?! Or a way to get a hold of Mr. Haruka?!" Obi thought for a moment before thinking out loud.

"Well, I might have Trow's cell.." Trow, was his little nickname for Tohru, he gives one to everyone he knows after all. Alice came close to his body, accidently pushing him off the bed. He fell with a graceful thud, his legs hung up on the mattress and his back pressed to the ground, raspberries covering his chest and ground around him.

"Considering that I don't want any more injuries tonight, I'll check for it." His voice was a strained effort as his breath was knocked out of him. Somehow maneuvering around and standing up again, he went to his bag and dug out his phone, scrolling through his contacts. Finding that he did indeed have the number he desired he tossed the phone to Alice.

"There, go at it Little Red. And while you have it, add her number to your list, you to are friends now right?" Alice thought about it, she guessed so, so she nodded and used Obi's phone to call Tohru, deciding to add the number later on. After a few toneless rings, someone answered the line.

"Yes~" It was obviously Tohru, no one could mistake her cheery voice.

"Hey Tohru, I have a favor to ask!"

"Alice? Hah, I didn't expect to hear you after seeing that it was the cat that called me! What can I do for yah?"

Alice went on and explained how her brother would be visiting with his fiance and that she was out of ideas on what to do for fun while they were here. She also explained how Obi brought out the play. She went on to ask if they could reserve a few seats for the three of them so watch the play at a decent angle.

"No big! Hell, i can get you guys in without charge if you'd like, backstage and all~" Her chipper voice snickered at the offer.

"That's too much wouldn't you think?"

"Ah, no way! I'll meet you guys outside the theatre and escort you to the back, then to your seats, easy!" Alice laughed at Tohru's excitement.

"Well, if you're up for it, then by all means." They shared a few more cheery words and soon bid each other a farewell. Hanging up the phone she tossed it back to Obi, who was leaning against the wall by her desk.

"Get everything sorted out Little Red?" Alice kicked her feet happily on the bed, nodding.

"Hey, just a heads up, I'm heading back to my room tonight. I have to leave early tomorrow for setup and dress rehearsal. I'll meet you at the play tomorrow alright?" Alice was s bit disappointed, and this would be her first night without Obi in a long time it felt like, but she felt she could handle it finally.

"Alright! I'll see you then!" It wasn't long when Obi took his bag and left the room, leaving Alice alone. He traveled to his room and opened his door. It seemed almost foreign on how he hadn't been in there for so long. It wasn't long before he whipped out his phone and sent one final text to Alice before tossing his phone and going to shower and get ready for the night.

[Obi: See you tomorrow Little Red~]

Akagami no Shirayukihime - Modern!Obi X (OC) - Living Towards TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now