Chapter 26 - Their Own Fairy Tale

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It's been two years since Alice had left for overseas. Obi talked to her often enough once she had left through different means of conversation. Internet, texting calling, anything they could really. They even sent letters occasionally. Obi had graduated the year after Alice left with Trow, who was upset over Alice's sudden disappearance, but she also kept in touch with her.

Obi had continued to work at The Riding Hood with Lan and was still a fantastic worker, social butterfly and all. He always remained faithful to Alice though, no matter the flirtatious ways of females he drew in, he would see them as anything other than a customer. Along with his job at the cafe, he would often stop by the school and visit with Mr. Haruka and work with the theater kids and drama club, giving pointers and working as an aide, if you would call it that.

He still lived in the small apartment, but he soon planned on moving out into the country where he felt the most comfortable, but he needed to save a bit more money before he could find a place. He would always be tempted to go up a floor to Alice's room and try to go in, hoping to see a red haired girl standing there, but now a days, the room was empty, all her stuff either sold or shipped to her. It'd be hard to leave the building he met with Alice in, but he'd have to let it go eventually.

It had actually been a week since Alice had last contacted him, and it worried him. She never went too long without at least saying she'd be busy but she was okay. Last he heard, they had been working and curing her sickness and she'd be healthy again, but he didn't know what was going on right now. What if she got worse? She was with Zen in the military camp with Shirayuki, what if something there happened? Was she okay? The thoughts drove him mad as he felt his chest heave with concern.

He was currently sitting at his desk, his laptop open as he scrolled through the internet, bored. He yawned as he glanced up at the clock. It was only 6 PM, and he was already bored enough to pass out. He stretched in his chair and looked at the ceiling. He got up and got himself something to drink from his fridge, pulling out a bottle of tea.

He re-entered his room as he switched on a lamp and looked at a small frame that held a small picture on the small book shelf he had above his desk. He picked it up after setting his tea by his computer. He smiled at the memory the picture held.

The picture was a photograph of him and Alice at the prom they went to before she left. She was laughing with her arm wrapped around Obi's as he chuckled down at her. She seemed to be dragging him behind her and they were unaware the picture was being taken until he received a picture form Trow. Apparently she had taken it and made copies, so naturally, he got one.

Bringing him out of his memory, he heard a few soft knocks at his apartment door. Not expecting anyone, he placed the frame back on the shelf and placed the cap back on the bottle to prevent any horrible things to happen to his computer. Another soft set of knocks.

"Hold on!" He called from his room as he jogged to the door, pulling the chain and unlocking the door. Pulling the door open and listening to his door echo in the hall, he began to speak, his eyes closed at the moment.

"Can I-" Obi opened his eyes and froze.

"Good to see you still live in the same place. I didn't have much trouble finding you, so that's good." He took in the image of the person who was knocking at his door a moment ago. She was speechless as he watched their mouth move and their smaller body looked around him, trying to look inside. Then he heard his name.

"Obi, are you listening to me?"

Alice had come back. She looked a bit different from when she left. Her hair had seemed to grow more, as it reached her rear and her eyes seemed to narrow out, making her face seem more mature. Naturally, her body had matured as well and she even grew a bit taller, but Obi still towered over her form. He was too busy taking in her features that he didn't notice that Alice had backed up and ran into his form, jumping and making him fall backwards into his apartment.

Obi winced as he lay on his back with Alice on his chest. She laughed down at him, explaining on how she wasn't sick anymore and she was much better than she was. She was here to stay, that is, if he wanted to keep her. He laughed as he wrapped his arms around her grinning like an idiot.

"Of course, I did say that you were mine. I'm not a guy that can be easily swayed once my mind is made." Alice chuckled as she got off of him and stood up, Obi getting up as well watching Alice dust herself off. Her bag were in the hall, and she went and grabbed them, her back to him.

"Alice.." He hadn't spoken her name to her in so long, it felt fantastic to have the syllable's role off his tongue. She turned around, ready to answer him.

"What-" Alice was silenced as Obi leaned forward and kiss her. He had waited 2 years that seemed to last an eternity to have her again. They was the seal that she wouldn't be leaving again. He pulled back and looked into her eyes, smiling with a small blush under his eyes.

"You know what? I love you." Alice's face flushed as she ran and hid her face in his chest. He laughed as he grabbed her bags and dragged her inside the apartment. This was a story about a fairy tale that went off script. Little Red Riding Hood wandered into the woods and found a wolf. Instead of fearing it, she befriended it, and even began to love it. The wolf loved the red girl as well, and soon they weaved their own tale, one that wouldn't be put on paper and recorded as a folk tale, but their own tale, one they will remember until they die.

Their tale is a tale to tell as they keep Living Towards Tomorrow.

Akagami no Shirayukihime - Modern!Obi X (OC) - Living Towards TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now