In Bed Once Again

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Beca PoV
I groan as I open my eyes, sunlight shining directly into them. Why are my blinds open? As the fogginess of sleep slowly disappears I notice two things. One, there is an arm wrapped around my waist and two, this is not my dorm room. I tug slightly at the arm and it instantly tightens. That must mean it's Chloe. I'm not quite not sure if I like this situation or not.
"Chlo?" I ask softly and I hear her grumble quietly before burying her head further into my back...somehow. I want to roll over but I'm afraid I'll squish her head. "Chloe, wake up." I say a bit louder, shaking her arms.
"No." I hear her groan softly, "It's too early!" I roll my eyes.
"Maybe you should've slept more instead of squeezing me to death." I feel her move back a little as her arm tugs on my side. I take the hint and roll over so I'm facing her, a sleepy smile on her lips. I blush as I realise our situation. I'm in bed, with Chloe, most likely trapped by her inhuman strength and we are really close together.
"But you're so cute, I just wanna squeeze you to death." She says as her arm tightens around me. I squirm a little. "Not to mention I like watching you squirm."
"'s not appreciated." I mumble, my blush deepening, and I Look away. God, how are we so close? Chloe laughs and nuzzles into my neck, inevitably pulling us closer. I tense up instantly. Chloe ignores it, like she always does, and I slowly relax into her touch. She breaths in deeply and tangles our legs together.
"Chloe?" I squeak.
"Yeah?" I hear and feel her mumble against my skin.
"Um...your legs?" I ask awkwardly. I feel her smirk against my skin and gulp. Of course, Chloe decided to wake up mischievous. I can tell by the way she tightens her hold on me and somehow brings me closer.
"What? We've known each other for a while, been on a date and even kissed a couple of times. I think we can cuddle." She states confidently.
"Legs aren't usually included in cuddling." I grumble.
"So you admit it! You do like cuddling!" Chloe says, triumphant.
"Maybe a little bit." I mumble. I think I might've even become addicted to her strawberry scent. I feel Chloe's smile change and somehow I just know that it has changed into a smirk. She moves her hand to my waist and the next thing I know I'm on my back and Chloe's above me, a teasing smirk gracing her lips.
"Well, if I'd known that sooner..." She trails off as her hand lightly grazes my side, sending goosebumps shooting across my skin. She leans down and her nose skims lightly up my neck. I can't help but move my head to the side, giving her more room. Her lips replace her nose and I shiver at the light contact, praying Chloe doesn't notice. Chloe raises her head and our lips connect. The kiss is soft and slow, unlike the quick pecks I was getting surprised by before. I suddenly feel a leg against my core and squeak in surprise. Chloe smiles into the kiss. I break the kiss and look away, cheeks flaming.
"I-I..don't t-think that's appropriate after only one date." I stutter out. It's not that I don't want it. I'm just not ready, not yet. Chloe pulls away with an adorable pout.
"I guess you're right." She says with an exaggerated sigh. She suddenly smiles. "But I can still do this." My breath is suddenly pushed out of me as lips connect with mine and hands are on my waist.
"Chloe." I gasp in surprise. Chloe takes advantage of my open mouth and quickly slipping her tongue in, earning another gasp from me. Suddenly my ringtone starts playing and I hear Chloe groan in annoyance before rolling off me. I quickly pick it up and check the ID. It's Fat Amy. "Amy?" I question as I check the time. It's seven o'clock.
"She's such a cock-block." I hear Chloe grumble as she stands up, stretching. I get a little distracted.
"Becs?" I hear Amy question through the phone and quickly look away. However, not before Chloe catches me.
"Uh...yeah?" My cheeks are glowing and embarrassment is clear in my voice.
"I was wondering if you're doing anything later? We could hang out, maybe you could bring your new girlfriend." Amy teases, thankfully ignoring my embarrassment. I tend to zone out a lot. I flick my gaze over to Chloe
"It was one date." I say quietly so Chloe doesn't hear, "Oh, and maybe you could bring your new crush."
"Ugh! I still don't know how you found out about that." She groans in annoyance.
"And you never will." I say with a smirk.
"Anyway, do you wanna come over? I have beer, in case Chloe does want to come." I glance again at Chloe.
"Uh...yeah, why not? I'm sure she won't be too hard to convince." I tell Amy and it probably won't. Chloe seems to be everywhere.
"She won't be hard to convince about what?" Chloe asks with a raised eyebrow. I blush. I hear Amy gasp.
"You're totally at her house!" Amy practically screeches. God damn, she heard Chloe through the phone.
"Uh...gotta go Amy, bye." I say quickly and hang up to her protests, letting out a breath. God, I am so doomed.
"Convince who what?" Chloe asks, leaning in the doorway, arms crossed. I guess she was leaving as she heard that. I look down and play with the cover shyly.
"Amy wanted to hang out later and asked if you might want to join us?" I ask, staring intently at my hand as it fiddles with the cover. I hear a squeal and look up quickly before being engulfed in a hug, landing on my back once again.
"Yes!" She squeals. Well, I wasn't expecting that reaction.
"Chloe...can't...breath." I gasp out. Chloe giggles before getting up and skipping away.
"Have a shower. I'm going to make breakfast." She says happily before disappearing. I swear, her mood swings are going to give me whiplash.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Beca is slowly becoming more comfortable with Chloe and Chloe finds she enjoys Beca blushing from contact more than embarrassment! I hope to see you in the next chapter where Bechloe and Amy hang out, getting up to shenanigans and such. See ya!

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