Chapter 2

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When Spike opened his eyes and noticed last night wasn't a dream, he quickly shifted his eyes down to Buffy, who was sound asleep on his chest. Spike could stare at Buffy for hours, she appeared so peaceful and beautiful as she slept. About an hour later, Buffy slowly shifted her body and opened her eyes. A pounding sensation took over her head and she realized she was hung over from last night.

"Well good morning." Spike said calmly, he could see Buffy was in pain from last nights booze fest. "A bit of a headache?

"More than a bit.." She groaned and sat up. "How long have I been sleeping?"

"Not long... But I'm not sure.." Spike was use to sleeping during the day, so his concept of time was a little off.

"Is it, daylight? Oh god... My mother is probably worried sick.." Buffy jumped out of bed and slipped back into her boots and coat. "Will you.. Will you be here later?" Last night was different for her and she liked it, something she wouldn't mind doing again.

Spike grinned from ear to ear. "I think I might be around, if a lady were to stop by..."

"I wouldn't mind a repeat of last night, maybe this time we destroy vampires instead of whiskey bottles?" Buffy laughed, she couldn't believe how much she enjoyed her night with Spike.

"Good old patrol session?" Spike got out of bed himself and removed his shirt, Buffy couldn't help but feel embarrassed so she looked away while he changed.

"Well, thank you for.. Being with me last night.." Buffy turned to leave, but Spike stepped in front of her, both of them didn't want to leave one another but didn't have much left to say.

"I..uh.. I had a great night Buffy. Really I did." Spike moved slightly close to her, he wanted so badly to kiss her but knew it wasn't a good time.

"Goodbye, Spike." Buffy was thrown off about how strong she was drawn to Spike, she didn't want to leave but at the same time she wanted to run, her feelings for him scared her.

Spike and Buffy's eyes locked for a few more moments before she stepped aside from him and left before either of them started something they knew they wouldn't be able to finish.


"Mom... I'm home." Buffy yelled as she took her jacket off and tossed it on the couch, even though she had a great rest at Spikes, she was still terribly exhausted.

"Buffy?" Riley was coming down the steps, he had waited up all night for her. "I looked everywhere for you, called everyone!"

Buffy wasn't sure what she was going to say but decided to lie, for now she wanted to keep her and Spike between the two of them, and she knew Riley would never be able to forgive her for connecting with Spike and not him.

"I'm sorry, Riley... I just needed some space, a lot has been going on.." Buffy went to sit on the couch, truthfully, Riley was the last person she wanted to deal with.

"I know, and I'm sorry for what is going on with your mother Buffy, but you can't keep shutting me out.. I'm your boyfriend, Buffy- or so I thought I was." Riley was visibly upset, he loved her so much but knew something had changed between them.

"I can't talk about this right now." Like a child she stormed away and made her way upstairs to the bathroom.

"Stop pushing me away Buffy!" For the first time in their relationship, Riley had yelled at her. "Because sooner or later, I'm not going to come back." Riley shoved his way past Buffy and slammed the front door closed behind him.

Apart of Buffy knew she should have chased after him, but another had no energy left in her to. On her way to the bathroom, she noticed her mother was home and doing laundry in her bedroom.

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