Untitled Part 4

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Waking up in Spikes place wasn't exactly something Buffy ever dreamed about doing, in fact mornings underground with Spike were so peaceful she missed it when she was back at her own home. A morning at Spikes usually consisted of messy bed hair and exhausting themselves out whilst entangled in each others arms before the day could even start. Neither of them would have it any other way, however a few outsiders looking in had more than one opinion as news began to crawl up the grape vine about Buffy's new vampire romance.

"I should get home before everyone wakes up." Buffy sat up on her arms as she looked over at Spike who was covered up in a black sheet.

"You know, one day pet we could always stay at the summers residence." Spikes eyebrow furrowed curiously, Buffy hadn't quite pranced him around on her arm since becoming official.

"Staying there with you makes people nosy and nosy people ask questions and I do not feel like answering anymore right now. I like our bubble away from everyone, its... private, belongs to us."

"Believe me, I love our bubble pet.. but I cannot avoid the scooby gang forever. Sooner or later someones going to come knocking and when they do, I'll be standing next to you ready to fight.

Buffy hadn't thought about when the time came for Spike and her to be around her friends and family as a couple and not as their individual selves. She enjoyed that small part of herself, being Buffy. "I know..." She hated when he was always right.

"Its been a month love, I think its time. I'm not saying we got to hold hands and be Mr. and Mrs lovey dovey... but we cant keep hiding down here." Spike went to pull his leather pants onto himself, he tossed Buffys clothes next to her on the bed.

"Did you really just say lovey dovey?" She giggled as she too went to dress herself. "I will ask my mom if she can cook dinner tonight for us and the gang.. thats a start, right?"

Spike knelt down onto his knee on the bed and leaned into kiss Buffy. "Yes. Now, get your lovey dovey ass out of here pet." He grinned as he kissed her goodbye.


It was as if Joyce was planning her daughters future wedding reception dinner, she had everything planned exactly the way she wanted for tonight's dinner that Buffy requested. "Buffy, sweety .. Can you get the good china down from the cupboard?" Joyce yelled, not knowing Buffy was already standing behind her.

"Mom, is that really necessary? Its just the gang coming over.." Buffy reached up to the top cabinet for the nicely wrapped blush pink china they usually only used on Christmas and Thanksgiving.

"Absolutely! I want to be supportive of you honey.. tonight is special. You finally trust me and your friends to view you and William as a couple."

"William?" Buffy raised her eyebrow in confusion, no one had called Spike that around her.

"Yes. I may have invited a couple of ladies from work to attend tonight..They really want to meet him darling.. I think this would be a perfect opportunity to show my little Buffy has grown up and fallen in love."

"Mom.. You never made me introduce Riley to your friends, why Spike?" Buffy placed the box of plates down on the table as her mom was laying out the wine glasses.

"Because I knew you two were soul mates. A mother knows, honey. The way you talk about him, the way you act when hes near you.. I saw it at your birthday party and I knew.." Joyce was smiling at her daughter, for the first time in a long time, she felt optimistic about her daughters future. "Buffy I've always encouraged you to find yourself outside of your job, and I think William has really shown you that there is more to life than slaying vampires."

I Was Made To Love You : Spuffy Edition.Where stories live. Discover now