Chapter 12: Original Operation Complete

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Inaho's P.O.V.

Finally my suspension is over, and I can go back to school. Lucky for me I don't have a week's worth of work to catch up on thanks to (y/n) and Slaine.

When I arrived at school, something felt different. Did something happen that Info-chan did not tell me?

Info-chan better not be holding back on me. I did not kiss (y/n) for nothing.

I sit down in the cafeteria at (y/n)'s favorite table, or at least it seems that way.

Shortly after I see (y/n) and Slaine walking this way... holding hands?

After they sit I just stare at them, with my usual blank expression, "Hey."

(y/n) is sitting there grinning, "Good morning Inaho! Did you get all the work done?"

I nod and she replies cheerfully, "Glad to hear!"

"Are you feeling okay (y/n)? You aren't usually this cheerful."

"I feel great!"

I tilt my head slightly, "Did something happen?"

She nods with delight, "Yep!"

"What happened?"

She looks at Slaine, and Slaine looks at her, "What you want me to tell him?"

(y/n) nods at Slaine, and he sighs. He turns to face me before speaking, "Well, (y/n) and I, are dating."

My eyes widen in shock. I stand up, grab (y/n)'s wrist, and start walking towards the door. (y/n) almost trips being forced out of her seat like this, but she manages to catch herself and walks behinds me. I'm still holding her wrist tightly.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Just give me a moment," I say with a hint of anger.

This isn't like me to get all fired up... is something wrong with me too?

No nothing is wrong with me, but everyone in school is acting weird. This is the first thing that is wrong... this is wrong, right?

I end up taking her to room 215, which is a classroom no one uses. The only reason I know it's here is because this is where Calm goes when he wants to skip class with Okisuke.

When we enter the classroom, I close the door and lock it. I stand in front of the door so (y/n) can't leave.

"Okay Inaho what's this about?"

"You knew I liked him and now you're dating him?"

"Look I'm sorry but he doesn't like you! He likes me, and I like him."

You're lying, there's no way you like him, (y/n).

"Quit feeding me bull and tell me the real reason you said yes to be his girlfriend."

She gives me a frustrated and angry look, "That is the truth!"

I shake my head, "Whatever you say, (y/n)."

I turn to unlock the door and leave, but (y/n) stops me, "Wait! What of I told you I knew someone that has liked you for a long time?"

I turn back around after unlocking the door, "Alright you've got my attention."

"If you could date any of your female friends, who would you date?"

"That's easy, Inko. I've known her the longest and she understands me the most."

She starts smiling, and I take that as her reply.

I quickly realize why she's smiling, and I immediately run out the room.

I've got to find Inko...

Inko's P.O.V.

I walk up to the usual table in the cafeteria and sit. Asseylum and Slaine are here.

"How'd he take the news?"

Slaine shrugs, "I don't think it went well. He grabbed (y/n) and dragged her somewhere."

Asseylum looks at me, "I saw Inaho taking (y/n) towards the band room."

I nod, "Then that's probably where they went."

Don't want Info-chan finding out about room 215.

Asseylum's gaze transfers from Slaine and I to one of the doors in the cafeteria, "Look, here comes Inaho. Let's do this."

I look over and see him, and he runs right up to me, and presses his lips to mine.

I'm in complete shock, my face heating up. When he pulls away, he just looks at me with his dull expression, "Inko, will you be my girlfriend?"

My eyes widen, and I nod my head happily. I hug him, "Of course I will."

He sits down next to me and not too long passes before (y/n) comes back and sits next to Slaine.

"So (y/n)," Inaho begins, "have you two kissed yet?"

(y/n) shakes her head and I look over at Slaine, and his cheeks turn pink at Inaho's question.

Inaho then turns to Slaine, "Slaine?"

Slaine jumps a bit and looks at Inaho, "Hm?"

He's completely flustered, someone stop me from burst out laughing! This is too cute.

Inaho glances at (y/n) then back at Slaine a few times.

"You want me to..."

Inaho nods, and looks at (y/n), she's typing something on her phone under the table.

I think she shows it to Slaine because he glances over at what it says.

"Slaine," Inaho questions.

Slaine nods still completely flustered, and I prepare my camera, Asseylum does the same.

Slaine looks at (y/n), "M-May I?"

(y/n) nods and I smile brightly.

Slaine leans in and closes his eyes, allowing his lips to touch (y/n)'s lips.

I snap a picture right then and there, so if they don't date for real after this, I can always tease her with this.

It's sad that they're only faking it. They would make such a cute couple!

About a minute or so later the bell rings and it's time for class, and I sigh.

"I'll see you at lunch," Inaho says before he gets up. He leaves with (y/n) to go to class.

I nod and head my own way, getting lost in my thoughts.

I wonder how things are going with Harklight. I gotta say though, this is the biggest plan (y/n) has cooked up so far!

I really do hope this leads to who Info-chan is, but maybe I should talk to Asseylum about our own operation...

What should we call it though? (y/n) always comes up with good names. I refuse to ask her! Heck, she won't even know about it!

I know, Operation Wall Breaker! Asseylum and I have to break down that brick wall (y/n) has built.

I just feel it in my gut that Slaine is not the same as other guys. I can see it in his eyes, he's different.

Author's Note:

I would like to go ahead and apologize for Inaho in this chapter, I know he was extremely OOC. What can I say? I can't make the characters act like they're supposed all the time!

Date published: July 27, 2016

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