M - Mom

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Lets remember those first days of your period. Never the pleasant right? But who was really there to educate you and guide you all throughout the hell week?

Chances are it would probably be a an older womanly figure, that would know more about this than you do. Well in most cases it would be your MOM cause theyve already experinced the worst of that.


Like i mentioned how having girlfriends are something very delightful to have but its actually 10x better to have a mom cause she's experienced it ALL. And yu know what i mean by all.

Like i know how moms can be abit annoying but cmon on this times where yu feel like your dying your sure to call her immideatly.

Like those days where you suddenly feel like you have a drippy droppy feeling in between your legs and you start to panic cause you might think that it might be what you really imagined but you still it wasnt really it. And since you were soooo unlucky to have it during a family reunion you have no other choice but to ask help from yo mom.

She's just the best.

She's like the wonder woman of your life. Your jesus christ, cause she gon SAVIOUR butt from being embarassed ehe am i right ? Cmon guys that was clever

But i will admit that it was pretty awkward at first cause my mom even thought that i was just kidding at first LIKE BRUH WHYYY WOulD jOke SOmEthinG aboUt as serious as this.

Well i kinda do understand her in a spiritual level like just imagine having a pet chicken that you raised since it was still a chick and YOU SUDDENLY FOUND AN EGG ON HER NEST LIKE BISH is this a joke or somthin? Like i neva gave you a rooster to flirt with. Thats weird.

Then you look at the ingredients and it has effin fertilizer in it like daaaaamn son, amd its kinda like at this part your mom will finally realize that your already on that stage. And you know what i mean.

Its so hard to explain like wtf.

Like i s2g if it werent for my mom then i would have never gotten all cool with this shizz she be the best nlessing ever.

Like i just cant casually tell my brother to buy me a box of pads whenever i want to like thats abit toooooooo awkward like no pls. AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH MAH DAD LIKE I DOUBT THAT HE EVEN KNOWS WHAT IT IS.

All this chapter is trying to teach us is just to thank us and give appreciation to all the hardwork that our mom has given us. For teaching us, helping us and many many more.


I know this chapter is dry af, but this is all what i could think of as of now. I dont wanna rant on my mom tho cause like why would i do that tho.

Anyways i promis to improve on the next chap, so bear with me for now. Thanks for reading and byeee

Insta: ea.sha
Twitter: eashxhmed
Sc: arianasprncess

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