Vices and Virtues Chapter 2

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Zane's POV

Mom gestured towards the boy standing beside her with her hands. He lifted his eyes from the ground for the first time since he walked into the room. His long, dark hair making it hard to tell the exact color of his eyes. With one hand in his hoody pocket and the other gave one single wave and muttered an almost inaudible "hullo." And there I was, sitting there with my mouth hanging wide open like damn fool. Quick! I need to regain my composure..

"What makes you think he can replace Beth?!" A voiced erupted from behind me. Phew. Alec's questioning outburst had just saved my ass. This is why he's my best friend. Quickly using Alec's statement as a distraction I quickly closed my mouth and got a grip of myself. Kythan's face changed that second from looking like he didn't care about anything to a look of distaste. Mom hijacked the conversation before Kythan could say something he would regret.

"Alec Sommers you will not be rude in my classroom." Ms.Fleming had a really intimidating angry voice. No one ever envied the person unlucky enough to be the victim of her lectures. I would know, Last year I skipped zero hour twice and she about made me wet myself, moral of the story don't mess with mom.

"Sorry Mom..."

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Kythan." She said matter-of-factly.

After Mom finally forced Alec to say he was sorry to Kythan like two kids on the playground, she finally addressed Kythan.

"Alright I thought that since this group is normally auditioned based I'd ask you to play something for the ensemble. Is that okay?"

His eyes wandered the room as if he was bored, then they met mine. Finally getting a clear look at his eyes I noticed the most peculiar thing. His eyes.. They were two separate colors one a bright cobalt blue, the other a pale green. I found myself getting lost in them as I felt my face heat up and embarrassment creeping across my face. What's happening? I don't even know him. Just then a smirk crept across his beautifully flawless face. Did I just say his face is flawless?! Well at least think it for that matter? After finally managing to look away I hear his voice again, louder this time.

"Do you I really have a choice?"

"Not at all." Mom replied with an enormous smile plastered across her face.

"Didn't think so..."

He made his way to the upright piano beside my seat and Alec's drum set. His hands were in his pockets until he lifted the guard off the keys. He pulled the piano bench out away from the instrument and careful positioned himself at the keys his hands looming over the black and white keys in silence. It was in that moment he took my breathe away.

His hands fell on the keys and something amazing came out. A sudden burst of music filled the room. If you could call it that. I found myself losing all sense of time and place. The melody his hands were producing consumed my every thought. The suspended chords would clash for a brief second before his flowing hands resolved the doubt away. It was like nothing I've ever heard. I was in absolute awe and so was everyone else in the room. Everyone was either grinning like a fool because we had just obtained an amazing musician as secret weapon or they were drooling out of the corners of their mouth *cough* Ms. Fleming*cough* ahem... His spell on us was broken moments later as he struck his final high note on the keyboard.

The entire room erupted in applause and cheering. How could they not after hearing that? I looked behind me to look at Alec and wasn't surprised to see his stubborn ass with his arms folded slouched over on his seat. He was just mad because it wasn't Beth sitting there anymore, we all knew that but we all didn't want to breach his privacy. He's my best friend, when he wants to talk to me about it he'll talk to me about it. No need to push. Right?

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