Vice's And Virtues Chapter 4

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Zane's POV

I stood there looking back and forth between there faces trying to make sense of the situation. How the hell does Kelsey know him? I looked back at Kelsey, who was now noticing my 'what the fuck' face, finally spoke.

"Oh shit! Im going to be late! Ill talk to you later guys!" She then turned on her heel and ran out of the hall way. That wench. I turned to my right and noticed that Kythan had not moved an inch. He then lifted his hand up and ran it through his long dark brown hair. I turned without saying a word and started to walk to the art room which was a good 20 feet ahead of me, when all of a sudden I hear a voice that I barely recognize right behind me.

"You have studio art 3rd period too?" Dammit. This is just my luck. Even so, I remain convinced that this is mom's fault. If she hadn't made me show him to his locker he wouldn't be talking to me. Looks like I get to be surrounded in awkward today. Without turning to face him, I responded with a bored tone

"Sure do, and yourself?"

"Same." Yup, definitely mom's fault. We walked into the art room side by side and just as I suspected he followed me to the table I sat at last year with Zoey. I sat down and he sat down next to me on my right side. Luckily for me Mrs. Khale loved me, plus she was in the backroom still so we didn't get in trouble. Speaking of the devil, Mrs. Khale emerged from the back closet with some random brushes and paints in hand. After a long introduction she went over the rules for her classroom; don't thrown things, nothing profane and so on.

I noticed myself staring off after a while, unable to contain my thoughts I was looking at the back of Kythans head. His back was so broad, it looked so toned. All of a sudden he shifted in his chair and turned towards me. Quickly catching his movement first shifted my eyes so it looked like I was looking at Mrs. Khale. Wheew! What am I doing? I haven't even known the guy for 4 hours and I'm already giving him the up down! Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket. Reaching down and retrieving it, I notice that its Kelsey

"Hey! Sorry I ran off. I have Ms. Chester and she isn't above giving out detentions on the first day." Sighing I responded back to her

"It's all good in the hood. How do you know each other though?!" Sliding my phone back into my pocket, I start on the project Mrs. Khale assigned to us. We had to draw a self portrait of ourselves. We had open choice over any medium we choose, so I went for charcoal. Grabbing the paper from the table and picking up a little black stick I let my hands just flow. After about twenty minutes I had stopped to realize that I was being watched. Turning my head to my right I saw Kythan staring at the paper in front of me.

"Can I help you?" I said with suspicious curiosity. Quickly regaining his focus, he raised his eyes from the paper in front of me. He looked me dead in the eyes; his multicolored gaze was causing the butterflies in my stomach to flutter around like crazy.

"Sorry, just watching. Didn't mean to freak you out or anything." He said with his hands raised in front of himself in a defensive position. His eyes glistened from the bright halogen lights up above. Feeling kinda bad for the way I snapped on him, I decided to go for the chance to learn a little more about him.

"So how do you know Kelsey?" I asked, using Kels as a topic to break the ice.

"We work together." His gaze was unmoving like he wasn't really all there. So he worked with Kels, That's how they already knew each other. I wonder if she knows anything... She might be able to do a little recon for me. I laughed to myself for a moment before he spoke again.

"Ever been to the Bitter End?" He questioned, his eyes finally shifting to meet mine.

"Of course, what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't visit Kelsey at work?!" I exclaimed. He chuckled a little and cracked a smile which happened to be contagious I guess because shortly after a grin spread across my face. The Bitter End was a coffee shop in the downtown district of the city my suburban sanctuary bordered. Kels had been lucky enough to get a job there, many apply almost none get picked but she is a very hard worker so it only makes sense that she got in. Just then, I realized that I was sitting at the table alone and Kythan was not sitting beside me anymore. Kythan had gotten up to put his art supplies away. Seeing as there was only about 5 minutes left until this class is over I gathered up the pieces of charcoal and put then back in the box. After setting my picture into a big portfolio case to keep it safe I walked over to the cabinet to put my charcoal away. I opened the door and reached my hand up to put the small box in my hand down on the third shelf which was a little too high for me to comfortably access. Just then I felt a warm breathe on the back of my neck and a voice in my ear whisper with a raspy tone

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