ReikelxWhisper (Two of my OCs) *YAOI*

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I feel a little bad since I barely even gave this one a chance. I planned on making this adorable little human boy fall for this big bad demon. But...I got uninterested really fast, so I never finished it. 

I remember being more scared than I'd ever been before.

I tired my best to look around, but because of the heavy darkness lingering around the room I was in, it was literally impossible to.

I had no clue where I was. No clue at all. “H-Hello?” I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut tightly when I heard my echo slowly start to fade. “Anyone..there?” I murmured quietly, hoping—no, It was more than that. Praying someone would find me. I didn't care if they were some psychopath, as long as I knew I wasn't alone here, I would be good to go.


“Would you just shut up?” A cold, dark voice hissed, making me smile slightly. It was kind of cute. The way they did that. Like a kitty.


“Wh-where are you?” I asked, looking around frantically. I didn't want to not be able to see him.

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