13- Hanging out with friends

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Arianna is at Laurens house right now with me and we agreed on having a pool party so we invited friends over and I once again invited Megan. To be honest not including Arianna, Megan is my best friend. I also invited my guy friend Tyler, and I invited Kendra and hunter. While Arianna invited Liz again, luke, Paige, and for some strange reason she invited Shawn. Like what the fuck. She knows I hate him and yet she invites him over to my mom's house. I was happy until I saw him walk in and then my whole mood changed, and not for the better. Right now I'm sitting in a lounge chair outside with shorts and a Nike muscle shirt on with my eyes closed trying to get a tan. I hear a scream and I open my eyes sitting up quickly and I see Arianna on Shawn's shoulders and she is pulling his hair. So I am assuming he swam under her and then stood up. I then see my friend Tyler pick up Liz and then they start playing chicken. I roll my eyes laying back down and closing my eyes sighing heavily. After a little while I hear a splash and some Laughing and then I just hear people swimming around. About an hour later I am still laying there and I hear someone get out of the pool and walk near me and I hear shuffling around and then someone straddles me and they place their hands under my shirt stroking my abs softly, and I open my eyes a little to see Arianna staring at me while she scoots down a little so she is sitting on my groin area. She is resting on her knees which are on each side of me by my hips. I place my hands on her thighs stroking them softly and I close my eyes again

"What are you doing out of the water" I ask her

"I missed you" she says cutely making my stomach fill with butterflies and my heart clench. I pucker my lips a little and I feel Arianna take her hands out of my shirt and she places them on either side of my head on the chair and she kisses me softly and I instantly kiss her back. Eventually I pull back and I open my eyes fully as Arianna sits back up

"I love you" I say and she smiles while blushing a little

"I love you too" she says back to me

"Arianna are you coming back in" I hear Shawn yell and I roll my eyes sighing heavily

"In a little while" she yells back

"Like how long" I hear him ask and I sit up quickly almost making Arianna fall off of me but I place my hands on her hips catching her. I get ready to yell at Shawn but Arianna beats me to it

"I don't know Shawn, in a little while" she replies back with sass as she fixes herself on my lap. The way the chair is set up is I'm facing the pool but because Arianna is sitting in my lap her back is towards everyone. I can feel myself become angry so I close my eyes and I place my head into the crook of Arianna's neck and because she is resting on her knees she is a little taller than me. I breathe in heavily and I exhale loudly wrapping my arms around her lower waist as she puts one hand under my hair on my neck and the other she intertwines in my hair.

"Breath babe, don't get mad" she whispers at me

"Come on I'm bored" Shawn yells and I can feel myself shaking slightly because I'm so mad

"I am going to beat the shit out of him" I whisper to Arianna and then I stand up quickly and Arianna quickly wraps her legs around me tightly and her arms around my neck. I try getting her off of me but she just clings on tighter

"Stop it, go to your room right now" she whispers to me sternly and I breathe heavily turning around and opening the screen door and walking inside shutting it and then I walk upstairs opening my bedroom door and then closing it making sure it's locked then I walk over to my bed getting Arianna off of me and she lifts the blankets up and lays in the middle of the bed with her head on the pillows and she spreads her legs a little and opens her arms and I crawl on top of her placing my head in her neck and I rest on one of my forearms which I placed on the bed next to her head and the other I place under her shirt on her hip and I rub it softly as I try to control my breathing. Arianna places one hand under my shirt on my back as she rubs it and the other hand she places on my neck under my hair holding me closer to her

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