Chapter 1

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"Sam! Over here!" I hear my friend Nat calling my name. I walk over to where she's sitting and sit with her.
"Hey, what's up?"
"You will not believe what just happened. Anthony, the football team captain, just asked me out! Me!"
"Holy crap Nat, that's awesome!" I laugh and she fills me in on what happened. My phone buzzes in my pocket and i look at it.

"Car crash or Drowning"

I refuse to choose one for Nat. Every time the message comes through for me to choose i always ignore it. I know I'm going to have to choose soon, but it doesn't feel right, choosing how my best friend will die.

"Let's get something to eat, I'm hungry." I say to Nat. We walk over to the food truck and get hot dogs. We sit back down.

"God, i feel like i haven't seen you in forever, Sam. I mean, its only been like, a week but still." Nat says. I got really sick recently so i was stuck at home for a week.

"Ha, i know right. What have you been up to?"

"Eh, nothing much. Like i said, Anthony asked me out. John is acting weirder than ever. Its been boring without you." John wasn't special ed. but you could tell something was off. He was always acting weird.

"Awe. Well I'm back now. Netflix and eating has also been very boring."

Nat laughs. "Its better than sitting through math class."

"True" I laugh too.


School went by surprisingly quickly today. I'm not even really sure what happened. First period was gym, then math, then history, then lunch. I lost track after that. I just continued aimlessly to my classes. When the 9th period bell finally rung, dismissing us, i packed up and went to meet Nat by her locker. As soon as she showed up, my phone buzzed again. I looked at it.

"Plane Crash or Fire"

I get different options almost every time, but it still doesn't feel right. Usually whenever i get the messages i choose right away so i don't know what will happen if i wait.

I must have not been paying attention because i all of a sudden hear, "Sammm, hey, Sam! You in there?"

I snap out of my daze, "Yeah, yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about something.."

"Okay well, my mom said its okay if you want to come over for a little while. You just cant stay the night because we have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, that's cool. I'll ask my mom real quick." I text my mom asking her and like always, she says yes. My phone buzzes again. This time it says,



suckish chapter but oh well, im writing nxt chapter l8r or tomorrow, idk.


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