You'll be here in my blood til the day I die

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  Suddenly Drews Phone rang, „Whoever this is, he's calling at the wrongest possible moment!" Drew muttered while picking up the phone, It was Luke calling, but Drew didn't see this because he wasn't paying attention to his phone screen „Woolnough" He answered the phone, trying to hide his sadness. „Hey Drew, Luke here i just wanted to say that I'm coming home tomorrow" „ok" Drew replied. Luke noticed that Drew wasn't as happy as he pretended to be, so he asked „What's wrong?" At this Moment Drew wasn't able to hold back his tears anymore „Laurence died" he answered shortly. At first Luke couldn't believe it since he knew that Drew always jokes about the most serious topics, so he wouldn't be surprised if he tries to trick him with the death of one of his friends. „Are you kidding me Drew? If this is a prank- it's not funny at all!" Drew replied „Well, I'm not kidding at all, I wish i was, but sadly i'm not, Laurence really is dead! Kier just found him a few minutes ago and Shane is crying into my chest right now and i, I try to stay strong but i can't handle it either. Shocked by Drews words, Luke said „Fuck it, I'm coming home right now!" and ended the call. „Luke is coming home" Drew said to the others, trying not to cry.  

  A short time later, Luke arrived at home, he expected Laurence to come out of his disguise and laugh at him, „where are the guys" He thought while walking through the flat to search them, in Laurences room he saw them. The timids were sitting in a corner of the room, hugging each other tightly and crying. Kier didn't move yet. Luke, who still expected a prank, stared at the bed „Laurence, you can stop playing dead right now, I know you're pranking me!" As Kier heard Luke talking to his dead friend like that, he got really angry and started to stare at Luke as if he wanted to kill him.  

It's 3am, Luke is sleeping at his brother's house as suddenly his phone rang, It was Drew with acted sadness. To make the impression that he was crying, he even cut some onions. „Luke, please come home right now because Laurence just died, we don't know what happened but please come!" Not even waiting for Luke to reply, Drew hung up immediately. Clearly shocked by the call, Luke wrote his brother a note „I'm Sorry, I have to go home, my band mates need me, Drew just called me and said that Laurence just died." Then he went home, as he arrived home, the flat was filled with complete silence. Just the clock on the wall made it's quiet noise, not even Hendrix is making any noise, but then suddenly he heard a loud and joyful laugh. „This laugh sounds like Laurence, am i already going insane?" He asked himself as Laurence slowly walked towards him laughing. Not believing what he saw, Luke stared at him, but before he could say anything, Laurence laughed at him „HA HA You were pranked, i'm still alive!" The others came out of their disguises too. Everyone was laughing, so Luke didn't need long to find out that they were all drunk so Luke laughed „You idiots, If you continue like that then someday something happens to one of you, and noone will believe you!" Probably the drunkest of them all, Kier babbled „we just wanted you here so we thought it's a good idea to prank you." Luke thought „taking away your gin sounds like a better idea". A short while Later he texted his brother „You can ignore the note i wrote you because my bandmates are drunk and out of their minds so they decided to prank me!"

Angrily, Kier yelled at Luke „This isn't a fucking prank" He pointed at the crying Timids in the corner „Does that look like a fucking prank to you?" Luke just shook his head and turned quiet, He muttered „I'm Sorry."

A few days later, They forgave Luke that he thought it was a prank. The flat, that was once filled with joy and laughter, now feels cold and empty, It's hard for everyone to move on without Laurence, but for Kier it's the hardest. AS he often does, he sits on the couch and stares at the empty place on the couch where Laurence used to sit.

  „Tap Tap Tap" Laurences typing on his laptop filled the room. „Do you ever take a break?" Kier asked him, but Laurence ignored him at first, but then muttered „i have just a month left until the book has to be finished!" For a while, he continued typing, then suddenly, he stopped typing , stood up and went to the kitchen. In the kitchen, he opened the cupboard and looked inside of it. Right as he was about to get mad he found what he looked for, his Star Wars mug, It was dark brown and had the word „Star Wars" in black letters on it. Also, it showed lightsabers and When you fill a hot liquid in it, the lightsaber get colorful. He grabbed his mug and filled it with his beloved coffee, then he slowly walked back to the couch, making sure he doesn't spill anything of the, for him important, black liquid and continued typing on his laptop.  

„Luke, Don't touch this mug, Laurence used to drink from it so If you use it, Kier will kill you!" Shanes yelling filled the whole flat and caused Kier to wake from his little day dream. In order to check, what happened, he stood up and slowly walked to the kitchen. „Hey, Please don't use Laurences Star Wars mug" he begged. Luke understood, gave the mug to Kier and used a different mug. With great sadness, Kier held the mug in his hands and looked at it with teary eyes "Thanks for putting it back together, Shane" he sniffled, with his eyes still on the mug, he felt bad for smashing Laurences mug as he found him. He gently put the mug back in the cupboard and went back to the couch.

A short while later, Shane suddenly tapped on his clock „Guys, we need to hurry up." He said, with the sound of a teacher „we shouldn't be late to his funeral." Trying to joke in order to not worry the others, Drew added "He'd be mad at us if he we're late!" The end of FVK already hit Drew hard, but as Laurence died he stopped being his crazy, hyper self and turned really quiet. But sometimes he still makes a little joke, even though he doesn't feel like it because he doesn't wanna make anyone worried about him.

They arrived just in time for Laurences funeral. They were surprised how many people came to say their last goodbye to Laurence. Family, friends but also many fans. Not only those who live in the area- but also some people from other countries.

  They recognized 2 girls from germany. "Look, there"- Kier pointed at the girl with the shorter hair" isn't that Chan from germany? Drew said "Yes, she is and the girl next to her, I guess that's the friend of her that she made a fan of us during the Bruises Tour!" Kier got tears in his eyes again" They came all the way from germany, for Laurence. He'd be happy if he saw that." They went over to the girls "Hey Chan! and Hey erm... what's your name again?" Drew asked "Anna" The girl replied. She continued, shy and with tears in her eyes "We came from germany just for Laurences funeral" Kier replied "we know that you're from germany, like Chan. Laurence would be happy if he'd see how many people came, even from other countries, just for him. He couldn't hold back the tears. Chan was hugging Kier and Drew were hugging Anna as the service began. It was very emotional for everyone.  

A few hours later, everyone already left, just Kier, Drew, Shane and Luke were there, standing in front of the fresh Grave. Kier starred at the gravestone, it was simple but pretty. He silently read the words that are written on the gravestone

  In Loving Memory of                                                                                                                                             

 Laurence Christopher Beveridge                                                                                                                   

 February 23th 1989 - July 17th 2017                                                                                                             

You'll be there til the city falls to dust, You'll be here, in my blood til the day I die                                                                                                                             

Kier's eyes widen as Laurence sang those beautiful, emotional lines for the first time "You'll be there till the city falls to dust, you'll be here in my blood till the day I die" Laurences eyes teared up a little while singing. Kier gently wiped away Laurences tears as he whispered to him "someday, this lyrics will be on your gravestone!" he giggled a little as he said this. Laurence couldn't help but smile "oh yeah, that'll be awesome!"

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