Someone wake me, Someone take me from this hell!

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"Woof Woof" The barking came nearer and nearer, louder and louder. Hendrix sits next to the bed, looking at Shane, barking right into his ear. Shanes eyes snap open. He looked around the room confused. To his surprise, he found himself in his room. "What am I doing here?" he asked himself and looked at Hendrix, who stopped barking now. "Hey Hendrix buddy, what are you doing here?" He asked the dog. Hendrix jumped on the bed, stood in front of Shane and licked his face while wagging his tail. "yeah yeah Hendrix, I'm getting up" Shane muttered. He got up and got dressed, but still didn't understand anything "Shouldn't I be dead now? Or is this heaven? That would explain Hendrix being here, but why would heaven look exactly like my room? And where are Laurence and Kier then?" many questions were running around Shanes head as he slowly walked out of his room. "Everything looks like the flat, What's up here?" Even more questions are getting into his head. Suddenly he noticed a smell of coffee "as if Laurence was here" he thought as he came into the kitchen and saw Laurence standing at the coffee machine. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and his A Day To Remember shirt. "Wow! Heaven is some creepy shit, or are we all in hell?" Shane didn't understand what was happening. Drew was preparing the table for breakfast. "And what are Drew and Luke doing here, they're still alive, aren't they? As Drew noticed Shane, he asked him "Shane, what's wrong with you? You look like you saw a ghost" Shane replied "yeah, several ghosts. One woke me up with barking, another one is at the coffee machine and another one is walking around here" He pointed at Kier, who just came out of the bathroom. He was wearing those black jeans with little white spots on it, his Avenged Sevenfold shirt and his black leather jacket. "What about me?" Kier asked, looking at Shane in a confused way. "Is this heaven or hell?" Shane asked Kier. Suddenly Kier bursts out in loud laughter "What are you talking about?" Shane looked at the ground and muttered "We both died, so I wanted to know if this is heaven or hell?" Kier laughed even louder "When did we die!?" "What a Sunday morning..." Luke commented, rolling his eyes. He was already sitting at the table and waiting for breakfast. There Shane started to realize that it all has been just a nightmare. "I had a horrible nightmare" he said quietly.

During breakfast Laurence asked Shane "What happened in your nightmare? Why did you call me a ghost?" Laurence giggled as he asked why Shane called him a ghost. Shane looked up to Laurence, took a deep breath and started telling him about his nightmare. "Well, it started that Hendrix died in front of your feet after the farewell gig, you couldn't deal with losing him, you stopped eating properly and began to look like a living corpse, until you died on July 17th 2017" Kier, Drew and Luke also listened to Shane. Kier were looking shocked and even got tears in his eyes as Shane told about Laurences death, Kier knows how Shane sometimes premonitors stuff. Shane continued "Kier couldn't handle losing you and he fell apart and ended up killing himself with drinking and I,  I found him and I couldn't handle the view of his corpse and  fell apart as well and ended up jumping off a bridge on the evening after Kiers funeral and then I was woken up by Hendrix barking." Drew suddenly started to laugh " I'm sure Laurences and Kiers grave were right next to each other because Keveridge." Shane looked at Drew with big eyes "How do you know that?". The only reply Shane got, was a big grin of Drew.

There was a short silence, that Kier broke with "Erm...Shane Harley Sumner...are you premonitoring stuff again?" Shane didn't reply, he just looked at him like a puppy. It took a moment until everything that Shane told about the Dream sank in. Kier knew that when Shane dreams stuff like that, it might be a sign, especially when Shane needs a while until he realizes that it was just a dream. This scares Kier a little. "I need a moment on my own to think" he said emotionless and stood up and went to his room.

As Kier left, Shane turned pale. Drew asked him concerned "what's wrong with you?" Shane answered with a shaky voice "Kier left for his room with the words he needs time for in my dream...but then he died..." Drew stood up, walked over to Shane and hugged him "It was just a dream, Kier will be ok"

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