You know I don't wanna scare you, But I'm falling apart

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Later that evening, the weather still hasn't changed, it's like the sky is crying over Kier. Shane was laying on the couch next to Drew and had his head in Drews lap, like a dog. Drew cuddled with him, like with a dog. Drew were really sad, losing Kier was incredibly hard for him. But Shane, Kiers death broke the poor little timid's heart. Suddenly Drews phone rang. It was Tracey. "Hey Drew, Kier didn't call me back. Would you please be so kind and pass the phone over to him?" Drew didn't want to tell Tracey the truth so he tried to tell her a lie "I'm Sorry, Kier is already asleep and he'd be mad if I woke him up now" Tracey didn't believe this "Drew, you can tell me everything, but not that my son went to bed that early. Please tell me the truth!" Drew still tried to get through with the lie "Erm.. Laurences death changed him..." Tracey knew that Drew was lying "Drew please! Tell me the truth! I know my son!" Every other mother would get mad now,  but not Tracey, she's such a lovely woman that she can't be mad at all. Drew started sobbing, which made Tracey worried "Drew, what happened? Did something happen to Kier? Please tell me!" Drew realised he can't lie to Tracey "Erm I don't know how to tell you, but Kier...he's...." Drew started to cry, he couldn't pronounce the word "dead". Tracey yelled "What? My son is what!? Drew James Woolnough! Talk to me!" "He died" Drew sobbed into the phone. Tracey screamed "What!? How!? NO! That can't be!!" Under tears Drew told Tracey the truth how Kier died, as an answer Tracey yelled something that Drew couldn't understand and ended the call.

Minutes later, Drews phone rang again. This time it was Luke calling. "Fuck! I almost forgot Kier's birthday! Please pass the phone over to Kier that I can wish him a happy birthday!" Drew thought "Shit! I hope Luke believes me more than Tracey!" And tells Luke the same lie as he told Tracey. Of Course Luke didn't believe him and he said "If He's drunk you can tell me! I can deal with a drunk Kier, I'm used to that." Drew started sobbing again and answered sobbing "He's not drunk...he's dead" Luke immediately remembered what a drunk Kier is capable of doing and said, trying not to get mad "Are you fucking kidding me!" It took him a while until he could convince Luke that he was saying the truth. After the call ended Drew felt horrible, but he tried to hide it from Shane, Drew knows how hard everything is for Shane, he also knows how fast Shane gets worried so he tries not to show him how he was feeling and pretended to be strong, so that Shane doesn't find a reason to start worrying.

A few days later, Shane looked horrible. He looked paler than usual and had dark circles under his eyes because he didn't get much sleep the last days. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees Kier laying on the floor with those bottles around him. This picture won't get out of his head. He also didn't eat much. His condition reminds a little of Laurences condition, before he died, which worries Drew but he hides it because he doesn't want Shane to feel even worse. Drew never leaves Shanes side and always tries to make him happy, but it's nearly impossible to make Shane even smile.

It was the day of Kier's funeral. Luke came home for this. A lot of people were there, Family, friends and fans from all over Europe. Shane spotted Tracey, she looked as bad as him. She can't deal with the loss of her oldest son. He also spotted Chan, He saw that it's affecting her badly that she lost Laurence and Kier within a short time. Right next to her, another girl. A bit shorter than Chan,long black hair. She was arm in arm with Chan, she was wearing a FVK shirt, it's black and has with white letters "FVK YOU" on it. Her face was mostly hidden by her long hair. She didn't want anyone to see her tears, that's why she hid her face with her hair. It's easy to see how Kier's death affected her and Chan badly. Shane remembers how bad Chan already looked at Laurences funeral, but now she really looked broken. It broke Shanes heart to see all those people. The news of Kiers sudden death has been a shock for everyone. Everyone knew that Kier couldn't handle losing Laurence, but noone could even guess that he'd ever go that far.

Shane, of course accompanied by Drew, came over to Chan and the other girl. Without a word Shane hugged Chan as Drew tried to talk to the other girl. "Who are you?" he asked her. The girl showed her face to Drew for a moment and then hid it again. She sniffled "My name is Sarah". While Drew and Sarah had her little small talk, Chan whispered in Shanes ear "It's gonna be ok, I know It's a difficult situation, but you can do this." That's what Shane appreciated a lot on Chan, how she tries to  support him, even though it's hard for her as well. Shane noticed that Chan was wearing pants that looked similar to Kiers. They were black with little white spots on it. Shane sobbed "You pants are similar to Kiers" "I know" Chan replied. Tears started running down Shanes face as he told Chan "We're burying him in those pants, and the avenged sevenfold Shirt, and of course his black leather jacket."

His funeral was even more emotional than Laurences because noone was over Laurences death yet, but now Kier also died. Noone could really deal with that, It seemed like a nightmare. Shane spent the whole service in Chans arms, while Drew was more focused on Sarah.

A few hours later, everyone left except for Shane, Drew and Luke. Shane was kneeling in front of the fresh grave. Drew stood right behind Shane, and Luke stood next to Drew. Kiers Grave was right next to Laurences Grave. Even their Gravestones looked equal. Shane looked at Kiers Gravestone, reading the words written on it:

In loving memory of

Kier Dorran Kemp

August 28th 1989 – August 28th 2017

But what good is life, when you only ever feel near death

In the evening, It was allredy getting dark outside. Luke went to Kiers favorite pub to have a few drinks in his memory. Drew and Shane were at home. Drew was sitting on the couch and Shane was laying next to him with his head in Drews lap. This has become normale for them. Drews lap was the only place Shane really felt comfortable in. Like most of the day, Shane was crying. Kiers funeral was too much for him to Handle. After a short while he got up, told Drew "I'm going on a little walk to get my mind off things." Drew trusted Shane with everything so he let him go alone. He thought that nothing could happen, but a few minutes later he got a text message from Shane which said "Bye, thanks for the time I had with you! I love you, Wooly!" This scared Drew. He stood up as fast as he could and ran outside, without even grabbing a jacket. "I need to find him" Drew thought. He didn't feel anything, the shock of this alarming text message is too deep.

Shane is standing at the edge of a high bridge. He's staring down, the Motorway beneath him, down the bridge. "If I jump now, who would miss me? Maybe Drew, but he's strong enough to live without me. But I, i would be back with Kier and Laurence...and Hendrix" He asked himself, considering whether to jump or not. Wind is blowing through Shanes hair, but he doesn't care about this. Nothing mattered for him anymore since Kier died.

Drew was running around without a plan, trying to find Shane. A few minutes later, that seems like several hours for Drew, he saw Shane, standing on that high bridge, not far from home. His mouth falling open in disbelief, unable to move "Shane! NO! Don't!" He yells, but he's too far from Shane to hear him, so his words were just carried away by the wind.

Shane took a deep breath and whispered into the wind "Kier, Laurence, Hendrix...I'm coming". He spreads out his arms, like Kier on a certain old photo he posted on instagram years ago. He heard a dog barking, but the barking seemed far away. Without hesitating any longer, he let himself fall.

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