Xiumin Pre-Chapter Inroduction

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The dark. The dark and I are comrades on a mission. Spying together lurking hunting, we make secrets together that will never see the light of day. *scoffs* I never enjoyed light and I never understood the hype that keeps humans loving light.

“Oh it’s so nice and sunny today,” they say “look Xiumin the sun is bright and out, don’t worry all pale people love light,” they say. I can’t stand light. Oh it’s not the brightness that bothers me, or the heat or the sunshine, OH NO! I can deal with that. NO, it’s the exposure light gives, no secrets can be made or sins committed when the sun is continuous spotlight. When the sun is out my lust is on a leash bound to a stake in the background, bored. But when the sun goes down and the moon comes up, the Xiumin comes out to play. And right now the games just begun and this game seem a little foreign.

 I can’t see her entire frame, but I know from where I am standing that she is tanned. I can’t remember what country I am in right now, Italy? Brazil? Africa? Or am I in the states? Doesn’t matter, a girl is a girl. She looks so delicious, the way her hair is sprawled all over her pillow, and the way her lips put out as she slowly breaths in and out slowing bringing her nice round chest in and out of its own spotlight, the moonlight coming in through her window. I could stay here all night. BUT I WON’T! I waited I don’t know how long for her family to sleep, and a little longer just to make sure no one comes into the room. I will wait no longer, Xiumin hungry, Xiumin eat. With a hungry smirk on my face, I walked out of the darkness of the corner in her room, and into the moonlight at the end of her bed. I let the moonlight bask my bare naked body in a silver glow, because I can sense that she loves naked way more than shirtless. I took a deep breath, gave nice long stretch, bent over slightly and slowing pulled the covers from off the beauty and the bed. All the while enjoying the unveiling of her soft, curvy frame. Oh yeah, this beauty has officially met the beast.

 I started at her ankles giving her slow kisses as I trailed up to her hips. Reading her fantasies I started to give her nice nibbles on her waist and pelvis, and after I was satisfied I took her boy shorts into my mouth and slowly removed them with my teeth. I then returned to her waist, discarding her panties on the floor and decided to have fun writing my name into her stomach… with my tongue. Once I finished the last letter I trailed my tongue up her body until I reached her bra. She’s on her back (nice) so I can’t unhook it, so I decided to break it down the middle fabric between her chests, with my detachable fangs. Once the fabric was broken the bra separated from each other, exposing the beautiful tan breast. I rubbed my hands all around her chest, traveling my hands up until I reached her thick curly hair. I yanked her head back hard enough to make enough to make her arch her body into me, but not hard enough to disrupt our lustful ceremony. I ran my tongue around her lips in circles; bring my lips closer until I achieved a satisfying peck upon her lips.

 I brung my lips to her ear and quietly whispered, “Wake up and let me please you.” Her eyes opened every slightly and with a slight hint of tired sexy, this girl is a bombshell.

“I love you,” I spoke as I hovered above her my hands on each side of her head, her hands grabbing at my waist. She called me a name I didn’t realize, in a language I didn’t understand. Probably someone at school or around the neighborhood she has a crush on. All the while, pulling me into her until my bare manhood was pressed deeply against her womanhood. She then started to grind herself into me, giggling softly, whispering confessions and memories I am unaware of, ones I can’t understand. I grabbed her softly around her neck, giving her small kisses on her neck and one long passionate one on her lips. And from that point on, the night was ours. After we were long done, and the sun was slowly rising, bringing about the annoying light, I don’t want anyone to thing I’m a user, abuser, or a monster. I am a pleaser, and an actor. Acting out fantasies that dwell deep within, I’m here but not here, real but an imagination at the same time. Whenever they fantasizes or dream the sexy dream, it is I that comes and makes it feel real. I am the dream, the sex dream. I please them, and they please me.

So here I am putting on the clothes that lay in the corner, the clothes I feel I haven’t seen in years. The girl lay quietly in her clothes, under the covers, fast asleep and satisfied. I said a quick goodbye to her, sent it into her dreams and hoped she wouldn’t remember when she woke up, that an unknown voice bid her goodbye. I closed my eyes and pictured myself somewhere outside far away enough that I feel safe. When I opened my eyes I was outside in the chilly dawn, I started to stroll slowly towards the closest tree with shade that I could see. “Work” and teleporting seems to always take my energy away from me. I made it over to the tree, leaned against it to catch a few breaths and slowly slide myself down until I reached the ground. I closed my eyes to rest, slowly covering myself in an invisibility cloak to keep me away from any potential wandering eyes. Hopefully in 15 minutes I will have enough energy for interdemisonal travel, so I could make it to my dorm to get ready for school. Aish, I wish my manhood had wings; this job seems to take too much out of me and my “friend’ seems to never want to rest.

I let out a quiet laugh. “Today’s gonna be a beautiful day” I just knew it.

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