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I searched my locker for everything that I would need for my first two classes.Because I will have enough time for another trip back here later on it wasn't necessary for me to have everything all at once. I began to place the few books that I needed in my back pack along with my composition book for English and my writing utensils for like....everything. I began to hear a conversation start right next to me but i paid it no mind since it wasn't about me, that was until I heard exactly what I feared I would soon hear.

"Did you hear what happened to that freshman girl?" a short blonde guy, An upper classmen that I've seen around, asked a tall blue haired girl standing next to him.

"You mean the one that burned her hair and then attacked her friend?" she turned away from her phone and drew her attention toward him. "Yeah I heard why? do you know something?

"No, but something about that story just doesn't seem right, I mean come on one minute she's fine and the next minute she's like a bat out of hell. Like something had to happened."

The girl shrugged her shoulders as she closed her locker and they began to walk away, leaving me alone and frantic with my thoughts. I threw my book bag on and headed to the school cafe where I got myself a vanilla coffee with a banana nut muffin. Once I was seated in the cafe patio I began to enjoy my before class breakfast while I began to go over everything reason why I'm still under the radar and no one knows what I did. Half way through my breakfast, a brilliant left toward my new destination.

I walked around the right side of the school where many students were hanging out before their first class. I decided to cut through there and make my way over to the far woods past the arenas so that I could  get this much needed time to myself. As I was cutting through the crowd of students, I spotted some brown hair, not that this brown hair was any different than the other brown heads that I see throughout school. But for some reason I couldn't pull myself to not  stare at the brown hair from behind my hair which was covering one side of my face.When I finally had a clear enough view to where I could see his face I was stunned. His face was beautiful and not in your typical model chiseled face type of way or in your I'm a bad boy love me but don't love me type of way but in your stare at me and let's live the rest of our lives together type of way. His face was soft and pale, serene like he didn't have a care in the world.He smiled at a joke one of his friends told and I fell more deeply in love at the way his eyes disappeared into gorgeous crescent moons that could whisper to me at night when I gaze up at them.  I didn't really recall ever seeing him in school before but then again I'm not your typical in your face type of person. I noticed his face start to tense up a little in the way that you can tell a person has started to get the feeling that they're being watched, before he could look up and catch me mid falling in love I turned my head and hurriedly left for the woods. It took me about five minutes to get where I needed, mainly because I was running in anticipation to get this all over with .Once I reached the human sized opening into the forest,I confidently entered it and took the first left that appeared before me. The inside of the forest was dimly lit, but my eyes adjust quicker than most peoples' would. Once I was comfortable where I stood, I placed my school supplies down against a tree and took a deep breath before I started gathering as many rocks, twigs and leaves as I possibly could. Once I was finished, i started to snap my index and thumb together violently until a small flame rested itself on the tip of my index and then proceeded to bring the flame to the pile., setting it on fire. The flame grew bigger and bigger until it covered the entire pile but nothing around it. The pile begin to shake sending the flame from a reddish orange to a greenish yellow. I took a few steps back making sure I was far enough so that I wouldn't get caught in any type of crossfire. The pile began to organize itself into a little form, connecting like bones until before me stood a 3 feet statue of fire; it opened it eyes.

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