Chapter 24

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It was 2am when I arrived at Sean's and all the nights were off. I banged on the door "Lexa it's me open up! It's important!" I yelled when a light came on "what? Are you drunk?" She asked me "yes, and Kevin's here!" I started hyperventilating a little "woah ok breathe! Where?" She said running over to the door and locking it "he's at Stevens party, I left as soon as I saw him!"

I calmed down a little bit when my phone started ringing "it's Norman" I said standing up and going to the bathroom "hello?" I asked "hey Destiny, why'd you have to leave so soon?" A voice that belonged to Kevin spoke on the other end. I ended the call.

"It wasn't Norman!" I walked through and Lexa was on the phone "yeah Derek... How long? What about the party? But she won't be safe" Lexa spoke before hanging up. "Derek is putting people in place to go to the party and make sure nothing happens but you need to go back" she said "what?" I looked at like she was insane! "Go there's people heading there now, look he will get arrested straight away, he's violating his parole conditions and shouldn't even be near you!" She was right and I knew she was. I sucked in a breathe and nodded. I got back in a cab and headed to the party, I paid the cab driver and headed inside.

"Hey Destiny!" Norman shouted on me and I went over to him and he pulled me into a room. He closed the door behind us "destiny what.." The door opened and a guy with a suit walked in "Derek?" I looked "hey Dest, right look you'll be fine, we are waiting on him leaving before we can arrest him, I'm gonna go keep a eye on him!" Derek said and disappeared "what's going on!" Norman asked seeming a lot more sober than he was when I left "em y'know Derek?" I asked sitting down "yeah? Weird guy" Norman said kneeling down in front of me "he's my ex, the one I told you about when you asked about the scar" I whispered it was silent for a while but then Norman stood up his hands in fists "wow Norman calm down please!" I said grabbing a hold of him "I'm gonna kill that bastard!" He went to reach for the door but I stepped in front of it.

"Woah, sorry probably a bad time to come out the bathroom" Kevin stood in front of me and Norman lunged for him, I tried to stop him but couldn't. I ran out the room "Derek!" I yelled and he came running over "Kevin and Norman are fighting! Bedroom!" Derek ran into the room and came out with A bloodied Kevin in handcuffs and Norman soon followed with a burst lip and black eye. "I'm so sorry" I whispered looking at my feet. "Hey! I promised I wouldn't let anyone hurt you" he pulled me into a hug and Steven dragged him into a room with Kirkman following behind us "what happened?" They both asked at the same time "I wiped Norman lip with a wet cloth.

"Kevin is violating his parole and the restraining order. Look Steven I'm really sorry this happened" I whispered a little going back to Norman and his lip. "No it's not your fault Destiny, he said he knew you and was new to town so I though hey why not" Kirkman spoke up. I shook my head "it's ok and not your fault, he's just a dick" Norman spoke up this time. "Y'know what! Screw it, party tomorrow night too, just people we know not from the show and destiny of course" Steven spoke up. "I like that idea but I need a drink" I stood up "oh hey destiny?" Norman stood up behind me "yeah?" I looked at his black eye and felt a pang in my chest and felt so guilty "my lip has a owie, will you kiss it better?" He smirked causing me to laugh giving him a light peck "oh and by the way 6-5 who's the winner now Harris" Norman yelled to me as I left the room.

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