Chapter 26

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I woke up to a empty bed with a note on Normans side; hey babe, sorry but I had to head to work I didn't want to wake you, you look so peaceful, help yourself to food in the kitchen and I'll see you after I've finished work. ~N xox.

I smiled at the note and got up walking down to the l kitchen to make some food. It was so hot today so I thought I would call the girls "hey Lexa, I'm patching Hope into the call" I spoke eating some cereal "hey girls" Hope sounded cheery "hey you girls wanna come shopping for bikinis and then go in the pool later?" I asked looking outside a a massive pool in the yard "wait! Norman has a pool?" Lexa asked shocked "yeah" I laughed a little "ok I'm gonna get dressed. I'll see you soon" the girls got a hotel in Atlanta the day after I got here. I hung up the phone and went away to get dressed.

I threw my hair in a messy bun and called Norman "hello?" He asked a little out of breath "hey" I smiled "hey babe, what's up?" He asked me "can I borrow your truck to go shopping?" I asked sitting in his truck "yeah no problem Dest" he spoke "wel...

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I threw my hair in a messy bun and called Norman "hello?" He asked a little out of breath "hey" I smiled "hey babe, what's up?" He asked me "can I borrow your truck to go shopping?" I asked sitting in his truck "yeah no problem Dest" he spoke "well I'm glad you said that cause I'm already in the truck" I smiled to myself and he laughed. We got off the phone and I started driving to pick up Lexa and Hope.

I arrived at there hotel I turns out there were shops  just a block away so we could walk. "It's too hot" Lexa moaned "ohhhh look a shop that does swim wear" I pointed out and Lexa pretty much ran to it while me and Hope laughed at her. We went inside the store and headed straight to the bikini section.

We left the store and had a look around picking up some more shoes and dressed

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We left the store and had a look around picking up some more shoes and dressed. I picked Norman up a couple of things also.

We left the shops and headed back to Normans truck at the hotel and left "oh guys I need to make a quick stop" I said driving making a detour. I pulled up the security gates "hey I'm here to see Norman" I said to the same sweaty guy that was there the first time "no problem Destiny." He said and opened the gates for me to go through. We got out the truck and headed over to where they were filming "hey Destiny!" Kirkman said looking at me and then looking back at the scene that was being played out "hey" I smiled and watched Norman shot the crossbow at some walkers.

Norman finished the scene and came over to me wrapping me in his arms "what are you doing here?" He asked kissing my head "surprise" I smiled up at him. "hey girls, and what a nice surprise!" Norman smiled down to me after the girls said hey. "Right well we just wanted to say hey, we are gonna go hand out back at the house" I smiled saying our goodbyes he kissed me.

We got back in the truck and headed back to the house. We arrived and got changed into our bikinis pouring some drinks and enjoying the sun.

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