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100 votes; woop woop woop. i think this chapter is going to be long. o_0 idk, it comes out as 6 pages on word, but then i upload it to wattpad and it's like 2. wtf? -__- anyway, MAUAHAHAH DRAMA. 

chapter dedicated to luarenlively because she's this really awesome fan. (: 

thanks for reading! 

- anna

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I handed David my rolling suitcase and watched as he put it in the backseat, next to his assorted bags. I sighed, shuffling over to the passenger’s door. This is going to be awkward, I thought, regretting that I hadn’t gone against driving home with him. I shivered as a strong wind blew against mean. My thin shirt fluttered in the breeze.

“First we have to get to the fair grounds, because I need to load Fancy up, then we can leave.”

“Thanks for letting me ride him. He was such a nice mover,” I said, trying to sound as grateful as possible, because I actually was.

“It’s no problem. I can honestly care less about the ribbons and fame,” he explained to me, which almost made me feel spoiled. He always had a way of doing that, I thought unhappily, sitting deeper in the car seat.

“Something wrong?” he asked me, catching my eye.

“I’m fine,” I assured him, straightening myself out once again. “So… Radio?” I asked, leaning to push the “scan” button in search of different stations.

“Go ahead,” he responded, leaning over his wheel. He had a bad habit of that… It scared me a bit. He must’ve caught the look on my face, because the next moment he was accusing me of thinking he was a bad driver.

“You’re just jealous that you don’t drive,” he claimed, trying to sound snobbish. ”You don’t, right?”

I shook my head no. “I mean, I could, but I don’t have time for all the lessons. Anyways, I have my horse,” I replied, even though I wouldn’t really take Remmey down to the supermarket.

“It’s not the same,” he taunted in a light sing song voice.

“You’re right. Horses are better,” I replied with a confident smirk.

“You got me there,” David admitted, turning into the fairgrounds. He switched the lively upbeat music before I could react to a news station.

“What the heck?” I pouted. “I was listening to that song!”

“Katy Perry can wait, unless you want to get stuck in traffic.”

I sighed, but waited patiently for the traffic report to come up. It seemed like I was in the car with my father, not a 17 year old guy. Since when did THEY care about traffic?

“A hurricane watch has been issued to the east coast. Hurricane Charlotte has been traveling up the east coast, missing Florida, and up to the Carolinas. It is now coming towards Virginia, and then traveling up north. It is expected to be at its strongest point in New Jersey, Delaware, and Connecticut. One again, we warn drivers to stay off the roads unless completely necessary, and find shelter.”

I turned in my seat, gaping at David. Hurricane?! That hadn’t’ been included in our plans. My head rotated to the sky. I looked at it stupidly; it was cloudy and stormy, looking to burst into a heavy rain at any second. How had I managed to missed that? This morning it had been windy too.

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