Book Two | True End - Chapter Six

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Your Pov:

I groaned. Of course (Friends Name) would be like this. She always was.

"Ok so... You said you were going to our old highschool... Correct?" (Friends Name) asked looking at my closet.

I nodded.

"What else do you have planned?" She asked glancing at me out of the corner of her eye.

"After that I was thinking we could go to the park...." (Friends Name) Nodded. "And then we could go to Olive Garden...." I finished.

"Im going to need some more help..." (Friends Name) chirped as she clapped her hands together.

Just like magic four more people appeared in my room.

"(Y/n)! Its great to see you!" (Other Friends Name) exclaimed as she hugged me.

"Yea yea its great to see ya what do ya need?" (Male Friends Name) said impatiently.

"You called?" (Butler Name)

"Ok guys! (Y/n) has a date today! And youre all going to help me help her!" (Friends name) chirped.

(Male friends name) groaned. And (Other friends) name squealed.

"(Butler name) I need you to chauffeur (Y/n) and her date where ever they request. (Male friends name) You need to get into our old highschool some how and set it up all romantic like and stuff. And (Other friends name) you need to help with the outfits!" (Friends name) chirped happily.

"Lucinda lives here doesnt she? Didnt her mom use to teach at our school? Wasnt (Y/n) one of her favorite students?" (Male friends name) asked.

"Yea.... She does...." I said confirming his assumption.

"Perfect! We just need Lucinda to call her mom and she can unlock the school for us!" (Male friends name) cheered happily.

"Great idea! Go talk to Lucinda and have her mom unlock the building! Then make it all romantic like!" (Friends Name) ordered.

(Male friends name) nodded and teleported out.

"(Butler name) go and get your chauffeur car thingy and park it down the street!" (Friends name) ordered.

(Butler name) nodded and teleported out of the room.

"Yay! My favorite part!" (Other friends name) cheered.

"Ok so... First theyre going to our old highschool... Then the park.... Then Olive Garden...." (Friends name) stated as (Other friends name) walked into my closet.

"Hmmm.... For the school.... You should wear one of these....."

(Other friends name) said laying out three outfits

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(Other friends name) said laying out three outfits.

"For the park... One of these...."

(Other friends name) said as she laid out four more outfits

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(Other friends name) said as she laid out four more outfits.

"And for dinner..... Hmm....... One of these...."

(Other friends name) said as she pulled out pretty much every dress I owned

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(Other friends name) said as she pulled out pretty much every dress I owned.

"Whoa whoa whoa... What in the name of Irene (other friends name)?!" I exclaimed as I looked at everything laid out before me.

"Dont worry about changing and everything... Just try to get out of the car later than Travis and Ill use my magic and change your outfit!" (Other friends name) said with a smile.

I slowly nodded my head.

"Ill do your hair as well! So dont worry about that either!" she added.

A ping came from my phone and I dove towards it.

(Male friends name) - Everything over here is ready!
You- Ok thanks!

"Everything is set up at the school." I said as I put down my phone.

"Ok so... You just have to get ready and you'll be all set...." (Friends name) said.

(Other friends name) snapped her fingers. "And... Done"

(Friends name) checked her phone. "And with 20 minutes to spare as well... Awesome! Well we'll make sure nothing bad happens!"

And with that they both teleported out of the room.

I then grabbed my phone and texted Travis.

You - You ready?
Travis - Ive been ready for 45 minutes..... Im a dude.
You - Im just going to ignore that.... Come over so we can go.
Travis - Ok ok...

Are you guys pumped?! Lol sorry.... Anyways... Tell me what you think in the comments!!! Byyyeeeeee

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