Chapter 1. ANNIE

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I sighed and turned it off and checked the time on my phone: 6:00 AM.

I turned over and couldn't help but smile at a handsome, sleeping Brennan. Even after 17 years of marriage, I couldn't believe that every morning I get so lucky to wake up next to him and kiss him.

I rubbed his shoulders and placed my lips against his ear and whispered, "Wake up, handsome. We gotta get ready for work. It's Monday, and the kids' first day of school."

Brennan groaned and turned over to face me and slowly fluttered his eyes open. "You're so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?"

I smiled and kissed him. "I'm the lucky one."

Brennan sat up and kissed me. Then he climbed out of bed and grabbed his work clothes. "I'm gonna go shower, can you wake the kids?"

I nodded. "Of course! I'll shower in the other bathroom." I went over to my dresser and pulled out some yoga pants and a tank top, since I was a gym coach at First Class Gymnastics. How ironic, right?

"You're the best, babe. I love you." Brennan said as he came over and pecked my cheek.

"I love you more than life itself." I smiled as he winked and closed the bathroom door. I sighed, grabbed my stuff, and headed to Bella's room.

Ever since she started middle school, Bella takes a long time to get ready. She likes to straighten or curl her hair, do her makeup, pick out an outfit and phone case to match her emotion, etc. So, I wake her up first.

I opened the door and said, "Bella, sweetheart, time to get up. First day of eighth grade!"

She groaned, grabbed her pillow, and threw it over her head. "Five more minutes?"

"Absolutely not. I'm sorry, sweetheart, but the first day is way to important to sleep in on. C'mon, get up and get ready for school." I said in a mom-voice tone.

"Ugh, fine. If you insist." Bella groaned and climbed out of bed as she walked to her closet.

"Thank you." I said as I closed the door. Next was Charlie.

Charlie is a really deep sleeper, so waking him up is like trying to wake up a rock.

I walked into his bedroom and shook him in his bed. "Charlie, time to get up. It's the first day of school!"

He didn't budge.

The only thing that worked was pouring water over his head. So, he leaves a glass of water on his bedside table just for me.

I attempted to wake him up some more, but it didn't work. So I took the water glass and dumped it over his head.

He quickly shot up and wiped away water from his bangs. He looks a lot like Caleb did when he was that age. Gosh do I miss him... "Aagh, I'm up!" He shouted.

I patted his wet head. "Good boy. Now hurry up, today's the first day! We gotta get you to school on time!"

I made sure Charlie climbed out of bed before I left to shower and get ready.

I quickly showered and came out to the kitchen brushing my wet hair. Charlie was sitting at the table with a bowl of Frosted Flakes and a glass of OJ while listening to music on his phone. He was wearing a blue plaid button down shirt, jeans, and converse.

"Hey, how ya feeling?" I asked him as I took one earbud out of his ear.

Charlie paused his music and shrugged. "I don't know. I don't fit in that well. How can I make friends?"

I sat down next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry you feel that way. The only way to fit in is to be yourself. And if no one likes you, that's their loss. But I'm sure you'll find at least one person who wants to be your friend. Look for someone who looks like they need a friend. And to make friends, just be friendly. And I bet that there's people at school who know you from YouTube and will want to be your friend."

"Are you sure I'll be okay?" He asked with a worried and sad look on his face.

I hate it when my kids are sad. So, I gave him a hug and reassured him by saying, "I'm positive. Just be friendly and talk to others. You'll make plenty of friends."

Charlie nodded and stuck his earbuds back in his ears just as Bella came into the room.

Bella was attaching her insulin pump on her waist as she walked in, her hair curled today. Bella has type 1 diabetes, so she has an insulin pump that she uses instead of shots. She was wearing a pink sleeveless shirt that had a golden neck line that wrapped her neck, a white mini skirt, and some golden sandals.

"Hey, Bella! How ya feeling this mornin'?" I asked.

She came over and opened the fridge, grabbing eggs, cooking spray, and a frying pan. "Fine, I guess."

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Oh, and how was your sugar?"

"Fifty-six, and what's wrong is that no one will remember me from last year." Bella whined as she cracked open her eggs.

"Fifty-six? I guess we should snack you right before you go to bed from now on, since you keep waking up low." Brennan said as he appeared in the kitchen.

Brennan is a pediatric endocrinologist, which is a pediatric diabetes doctor. Since he runs his own office nearby, he is Bella's doctor and can make changes for her.

"Okay." Bella said as she began to cook her scrambled eggs.

"Mornin', Charlie! Ready to start the day?" Brennan asked as he took out cereal from the cabinet.

Charlie shrugged.

"He okay?" Brennan asked while pouring milk into his cereal.

"Just a little nervous. He'll be fine, babe." I explained.

Brennan nodded as he sat at the table.

Bella then came over with her eggs and yogurt. Bella is very self conscious and likes to be on a diet, even though she's in perfect shape. Bella is one of my gymnasts, so she has to eat healthy anyway. So she doesn't really need a diet.

I quickly made some toast and pancakes and ate while everyone had to get ready to leave for school. I checked the time: 7:26 AM.

"Okay, kids, I wanna be out the door no later than seven thirty-five, so let's move! Make sure you've got everything! Make sure you have all your diabetic supplies, Bella!" I called as the kids ran to their rooms.

A few minutes later, the kids said goodbye to Brennan and hopped into the red pickup truck, my dream car that Brennan got me for my birthday last year.

"Good luck today. Have a great day." Brennan said as he stood up and hugged me.

"Thank you, babe, you too." I kissed him, grabbed my bag, and ran out to the truck.

I could tell the kids were nervous; Charlie was shaking his leg while listening to music and Bella was checking herself through the little screen on the camera while she filmed.

When we got to school, I waved and kissed the kids goodbye as they left. Then I drove off to the gym, ready to start the day.

A/N: Hello my lovely fans!!! It's here! The sequel to "Boyfriend or Brother?"
I know, this chapter kinda sucked, but I'll get better (hopefully)! Let me know what you want to see next ;)
And yes, I made Brennan an endocrinologist and Bella a diabetic so I could write about diabetes. I want to share more about this illness since I have it, so more people can know about it!
Thanks for all the support! Love you all! Please vote, comment, and share if you enjoyed this story!! Ily guys 💘😘

Brannie & Family : Sequel to Boyfriend or Brother? [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now