Chapter 2. BRENNAN

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I drove off to my office and greeted all the nurses. It's great to have nurses here to help me, since it gets really overwhelming everyday with the amount of kids I see.

I opened the door to my office and turned on my computer to see what kids were coming in today. A few minutes later I had a knock on my door.

"Come in." I said.

Liv came in. Yes, Liv works here, she's my head nurse. She's actually pretty nice.

"Hello, Brennan. Good morning. I brought you some coffee." Liv greeted as she placed a Starbucks cup on my desk.

"Thank you, Liv. How was your weekend?" I asked as I sipped my coffee.

"Wonderful! I got to visit my mother. How was yours?" She asked while sitting across from me.

"Pretty good. My family and I went to Disney and returned yesterday. The kids had fun." I replied.

"Great! Oh!" Liv scribbled something down a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Could you come by Saturday to this address? It's business related."

I took the paper and tucked it into my pocket. "Sure. See you later."

Liv waved and left the room.

I looked up the address on Google and saw that it was a house. I made sure to put a reminder on my phone before I got to work.

I wonder what we were discussing.


Soon enough Saturday came. I left the house after lunch and arrived at the house where I saw Liv's car and another car. I'm guessing it's whoever lives here and wanted to discuss business with Liv and I.

I knocked on the door and Liv opened it. "Oh, good! You came! He's here!"

I walked in and saw that the room was dark, and only candles were lit. This was weird...

And that's not where it ended.

A few moments later a white blond girl came into view with her wavy hair out, wearing a white brassiere and black bikini bottom on.

"Hey, Brenny poo."

Uh oh.

"L-Luisa? Why am I here and why are you wearing that?" I asked nervously as I backed towards the door.

I bumped into Liv who was blocking the door. "You're not escaping her. She's my friend and I'm here to help her."

"Help her with what?" I asked nervously.

Luisa walked up to me and traced my abs with her index finger, just like that time in seventh grade. "Get you back."

I gulped. Luisa grabbed my hand and tried to drag me away, but I refused.

"Liv, little help?" Luisa asked.

Liv tied my hands and legs together while Luisa pinned me against the wall. Once Liv was done, Luisa smiled at me and dragged me to the couch.

"Let's get started." She pushed me down onto the couch and sat next to me, kissing me. I tried to get away but I couldn't.

"Just like in seventh grade, you're struggling still amuses me. I love it."

She kept kissing me until she pulled away. "This isn't right."

'Duh!' I thought.

"We'll do this later when no one is here. First, I need to talk to Liv." Luisa smiled and walked into her kitchen with Liv as they discussed things very quietly.

My hands were tied and so were my legs, I couldn't call anyone for help...

Oh no...

I've been kidnapped.

Drama's happening, folks!!
Anyways I hoped this chapter was okay, or at least better than the last one. Drama is starting, and I can't wait to see where it goes ;)
Sorry it was kinda short, I got a bit of writers block :(
Please comment, vote, and share if you liked this chapter! I'll hopefully work on another one tonight ;)

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