Epilouge: BRENNAN

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I walked into the graveyard and placed the flowers next to Annie's grave. I sobbed as I sat next to her grave.

"Why did you leave me, Julianna?" I whispered.

I stared at the tombstone and then thought about how our lives were together.

The way she made me laugh and smile, and I still remember the day of our first kiss watching Jurassic World. I remember when I was there for her during Caleb's death, and how we got even closer in high school, and then when we got married.

"Mind if I join you?" I turned around to see Hayley with a bouquet of flowers.

I patted the ground as she placed flowers next to Annie's grave.

"I miss her so much." Hayley's voice cracked on the last word.

I hugged her. "Me, too."

"Katie called me today and she's devastated. She lost her best friend. I lost my best friend." Hayley cried.

I nodded as I squeezed her fighter.

"First Caleb left, then Annie. I'm all alone, Brennan." Hayley whispered.

"You have me, Hayley, and your niece and nephew. You have your whole family." I told her.

"No, I don't. My whole family included Caleb and Annie." Hayley said.

I nodded again. "Well, on the bright side, Caleb and Annie are together again."

"Yeah. But I'm missing." Hayley said as she looked away.

I started to get worried. "Hayley, don't even think about it. It's not worth it."

"It's not worth getting to see my siblings again?" She asked me.

"Hayley, it's by your time yet. Please stay." I pleaded.

Years ago I lost Caleb, one of my good friends, then a few weeks ago I lost my wife, Annie. I've lost already 2/3 of the Bratayley kids, I can't lose Hayley now.

She shrugged. "I have to go." She left.

I stood up and talked to Annie. "Annie, I miss you. You shouldn't have left, but I know you did the right thing. If you hadn't have left, Bella would've died. I know you wanted to let her live her life, so you let go. I hope you and Caleb are having a blast, since you now can see each other again. Just please, please send Hayley some sort of message. She's thinking of committing suicide, and I can't lose her now. I'll love you forever and always, Julianna Grace, please help me find a way to move on." I sighed and left the graveyard.

And to fill you all in, after Annie got shot, the cops and ambulance came. Liv had called the cops because she felt terrible about what she did. She and Luisa were arrested and put in prison, Liv for ten years and Luisa for life for committing murder.

Bella was rushed to the hospital and almost didn't make it; her blood sugar was at 10 when she arrived at the hospital.

Charlie and I were okay, but all three of us were put in therapy to help us get over mental traumatization.

Everyday I visit Annie's grave to help myself feel like she's still here. We changed our channel name as well to 'BBC Family Vlogs', and we made a video explaining our terrible experience, and it was also all over the news.

Many Bratayley and BBC Family Vlogs fanpages on social media post edits and things about Annie and Caleb now. It makes me cry whenever I see them.

Now it's just me, Charlie, and Bella. I take them to school and sports, but Bella has decided to quit gymnastics, because it's not the same without Annie being a coach.

That night I lay in bed as I stared at Annie's side of the bed, wishing she was here. But when I fell asleep, I dreamed of Annie.

She and I were at her old house's basement where we shared our first kiss.

"Brennan, you need to move on." She said.

"J-Julianna?" I stuttered.

"Yes, it's me. Brennan, I know you miss me, but you have to move on. I learned when I was young that grieving everyday doesn't make anything better. Moving on does. But please don't forget me." Annie said.

"I'll never forget you, Annie, because you'll always be on my side."

"Until the day you die." Annie hugged me and disappeared.

I woke up everyday from that point on remembering what she said. I eventually moved on and got married to another girl. Of course, she was nothing to compared to Annie, but I knew she was proud that I had moved on.

And so was I.

But of course, we will always be 'Brannie and Family'.

A/N: AHHH THE FEELS!! This is so sad yet happy at the same time, sappy I guess :(
I hope you all enjoyed the story! Please vote comment and share if so because I love feedback!
Until next time! And check out my other stories too ;) ily all sm!!

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