Chapter 6. ANNIE

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I was getting really worried about Brennan and Bella. Who could've kidnapped them? Who would want to?

Sure, Brennan is adorable and irresistible, but he's mine!

Later that night Charlie and I decided to drive around town and see if we could find them. Charlie even tried to locate Bella's phone on Find My iPhone, but no luck. Whoever kidnapped her probably turned the location services off.

"Any signs of Dad?" I asked Charlie as I turned around street corner.

Charlie shook his head. "His location services are off, too."

I sighed, then asked, "How is Bella?"

Charlie closed his eyes and thought for a few minutes before he replied, "Not good. I think she passed out..."

I gasped and slammed the breaks, stopping at a stop sign.

Passed out?! I hope she's okay!

"How did she feel?"

"I don't know, I think she felt really low..." Charlie answered.

I started hyperventilating, silently praying to God to help Bella. I then started bawling and I slammed the horn out of frustration.

"Mom, stop! You're disturbing the neighborhood!" Charlie shouted.

I just kept crying. Why would someone want to kidnap Brennan and Bella?

I honestly don't know, but I'm going to find out who did it.

This may sound desperate and ridiculous, but I had a tracking device put in Brennan one day when he needed surgery on his knee when he tore his ACL five years ago. It was put in incase he decided to cheat on me or something.

That's when I remembered it, and I tracked him down on my phone. Hopefully Bella was in the same spot.

I found them at some old warehouse that was hours out of town.

But I didn't care that it was almost midnight on a school night.

"Charlie, I know where your father is." I handed him my phone and stomped on the gas pedal, shooting through the streets.


About three hours later Charlie and I arrived at this tall, abandoned wear house.

I parked the car and ran in with Charlie.

"Brennan? Brennan I'm here!!" I shouted.

That was a bad move.

I turned around to see a figure staring at Charlie and I.

Surprisingly, it was someone I should've known.

"Julianna Grace...never thought I'd see you again." Liv said.

"Olivia? Why are you here?" I asked suspiciously as I slowly backed away.

"For Brennan and Luisa, of course!" She cried.

"L-Luisa? Where is she?" I asked again.

"Right here." I turned around to see Luisa standing behind Charlie with her hands over his mouth.

"You let go of my son right now or else I will beat the crap out of you." I threatened.

"I'd like to see you try." Luisa said.

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